Monthly Archives: May 2010

No One Taking A Stand

post by Mr. Rogers of Michigan

Gene Simmons Military Tribute

Suppressing Louisiana

post by Kendra Marr on Politico

The puppet said Friday he has ordered federal officials to “triple the manpower” on shoreline cleanup in the Gulf Coast. “This increase will allow us to further intensify this already historic response, contain and remove oil more quickly and help minimize the time that any oil comes into contact with our coastline,” he said after a briefing in the Gulf with officials. “That means deploying more boom, cleaning more beaches, performing more monitoring of wildlife and impact to this ecosystem.”

[He has not one clue what he is doing! Historic response…Why doesn’t he just act like a human and stop rattling on his pre-worked up speeches!]

The puppet directed Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano and Adm. Thad Allen to pour more resources into places where the oil leak has hit the beach in the last 24 hours. —Yhea, Janet will do a lot of good!

BP’s Top Kill Fails in Gulf

post by staff writer, May 30.

[You be the judge. For the second time, he shuts down the whole operation because he is a coward and can’t just talk to the people. My son was out there the first time and he came in with a tone of military helicopters (we paid for), and forced the workers trying to save our coast to quit working, halted all boat traffic. A coward. Put in war, your commander-in-chief would run like a screaming baby!]

The puppet Saturday issued a statement on BP’s failure to stop the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico using the top kill method. He called the still-gushing spill “ as enraging as it is heartbreaking” and said “we will not relent until this leak is contained.”

His full statement—Today, I’ve spoken with National Incident Commander Admiral Thad Allen, as well as Energy Secretary Steven Chu, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar, EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson, and senior White House advisers John Brennan and Carol Browner regarding the ongoing efforts to stop the BP oil spill. From the beginning, our concern has been that the surest way to stop the flow of oil—the drilling of relief wells—would take several months to complete. So, engineers and experts have explored a variety of alternatives to stop the leak now. They had hoped that the top kill approach attempted this week would halt the flow of oil and gas currently escaping from the seafloor. But while we initially received optimistic reports about the procedure, it is now clear that it has not worked. Rear Admiral Mary Landry today directed BP to launch a new procedure whereby the riser pipe will be cut and a containment structure fitted over the leak.

This approach is not without risk and has never been attempted before at this depth. That is why it was not activated until other methods had been exhausted. It will be difficult and will take several days. It is also important to note that while we were hopeful that the top kill would succeed, we were also mindful that there was a significant chance it would not. And we will continue to pursue any and all responsible means of stopping this leak until the completion of the two relief wells currently being drilled.

As I said yesterday, every day that this leak continues is an assault on the people of the Gulf Coast region, their livelihoods, and the natural bounty that belongs to all of us. It is as enraging as it is heartbreaking, and we will not relent until this leak is contained, until the waters and shores are cleaned up, and until the people unjustly victimized by this man-made disaster are made whole.

Does he really seem interest?

Melancon: Oil Spill Overplayed

post by Louisiana Senator David Vitter

It’s certainly encouraging news that the top kill seems to be working, hopefully shutting down the leak. Building from this potentially great step in the right direction, I’m urging the puppet to focus dramatically on improving the ongoing federal response. Now is the time for the puppet to take an aggressive coastal protection approach. Instead, he snubbed the barrier island plan and only approved two percent. This is outrageous and shows that he doesn’t have a clue. And if that’s not enough, Charlie Melancon thinks the Gulf disaster is being overplayed. Overplayed? I think Billy Nungesser’s reaction in the video [below] to Melancon‘s comments says it best.

There’s no dispute that BP is responsible for all costs including cleanup and claims filed by out-of-work fishermen and other small business owners and workers. I introduced legislation that would make sure BP is held accountable for the liability of this spill immediately by expediting liability claims. Unfortunately Democrat Leadership, Sen. Menendez (D-NJ), blocked my bill. As we are all encouraged by reports of the top kill working to stop the flow of oil, we will need to put all our focus on cleaning up the oil and protecting our coast. The oil spill is not being overplayed as Charlie Melancon thinkswe need to make sure the federal government stays focused on getting this mess cleaned up. Can you believe that Charlie Melancon said this?  “It is not a major intrusion into the areas that we’re really concerned about.” (CNN: 5/22/10)

Note: This CNN clip is from 5/23/10, one day after Melancon’s CNN interview on 5/22/10

And God Created Louisiana

[This is so great…Good Thinking…]

God† was missing for six days. Eventually, Michael, the archangel, found him, resting on the seventh day. He inquired, “Where have you been?”

God† smiled deeply and proudly pointed downwards through the clouds, “Look, Michael. Look what I’ve made.” Archangel Michael looked puzzled, and said, “What is it?”

“It’s a planet,” replied God†, and I’ve put life on it. I’m going to call it Earth and it’s going to be a place to test Balance.”

“Balance?” inquired Michael, “I’m still confused.”

God† explained, pointing to different parts of Earth. “For example, northern Europe will be a place of great opportunity and wealth, while southern Europe is going to be poor. Over here I’ve placed a continent of white people, and over there is a continent of black people. Balance in all things.” God† continued pointing to different countries. “This one will be extremely hot, while this one will be very cold and covered in ice.”

The Archangel, impressed by God’s† work, then pointed to a land area and said, “What’s that one?”

“That’s Louisiana, the most glorious place on earth. There are beautiful rivers and streams, lakes, forests, hills. Some of the most beautiful women live there. The people from Louisiana are going to be handsome, modest, intelligent, and humorous, and they are going to travel the world. They will be extremely sociable, hardworking, high achieving, carriers of peace, and producers of good things.”

Michael gasped in wonder and admiration, but then asked, “But what about balance, God†? You said there would be balance.”

God† smiled, “I will create Washington, D.C. Wait till you see the idiots I put there.”

Noah Today

post by Warren Renfroe,  May 27, 2010.

[This is great…]

In the year 2008, the Lord† came unto Noah, who was now living in the England and said, “Once again, the Earth has become wicked and over-populated, and I see the end of all flesh before me. Build another Ark and save 2 of every living thing along with a few good humans.” He gave Noah the blueprints, saying—”You have 6 months to build the Ark before I will start the unending rain for 40 days and 40 nights.”

Six months later, the Lord† looked down and saw Noah weeping in his yard―but no Ark. “Noah!,” He roared, “I’m about to start the rain! Where is the Ark ?”

“Forgive me, Lord†,” begged Noah, “but things have changed.”

“I needed a Building Permit.”

“I’ve been arguing with the Boat Inspector about the need for a sprinkler system.”

“My neighbors claim that I’ve violated the Neighborhood Bye-Laws by building the Ark in my back garden and exceeding the height limitations. We had to go to the Local Planning Committee for a decision.”

“Then the Local Council and the Electricity Company demanded a shed load of money for the future costs of moving power lines and other overhead obstructions, to clear the passage for the Ark ‘s move to the sea. I told them that the sea would be coming to us, but they would hear nothing of it.”

“Getting the wood was another problem. There’s a ban on cutting local trees in order to save the Greater Spotted Barn Owl.”

“I tried to convince the environmentalists that I needed the wood to save the owls―but no go!”

“When I started gathering the animals the RSPCA took me to court. They insisted that I was confining wild animals against their will. They argued the accommodations were too restrictive, and it was cruel and inhumane to put so many animals in a confined space.”

“Then the Environmental Agency ruled that I couldn’t build the Ark until they’d conducted an environmental impact study on your proposed flood.”

“Immigration are checking the Visa status of most of the people who want to work.”

“The trades unions say I can’t use my sons. They insist I have to hire only union workers with Ark-building experience.”

“To make matters worse, the Inland Revenue seized all my assets, claiming I’m trying to leave the country illegally with endangered species.”

“So, forgive me, Lord†, but it would take at least 10 years for me to finish this Ark. ”

“Suddenly the skies cleared, the sun began to shine, and a rainbow stretched across the sky.”

Noah looked up in wonder and asked, “You mean you’re not going to destroy the world?”

“No,” said the Lord†.

The puppet and the Government beat me to it.”

Sestak Scandal Grows

by Dick Morris & Eileen McGann on

[This really smells…Are you listening?]

The New York Times revealed this afternoon that anonymous sources have informed it that the puppet’s chief of staff Rahm Emanuel asked former President Bill Clinton to offer Congressman Joe Sestak a high but unpaid advisory post in the administration if he would drop out of the Senate race against Senator Arlen Specter. One post mentioned was service on the puppet’s Intelligence Advisory Board. The idea was to immunize the puppet and Rahm from possible criminal prosecution by using Clinton, not a government employee, as a cut out and to keep the offer to an unpaid job in hopes of not running afoul of the federal bribery statute. But these evasions will not blunt the force of the law.

If Clinton acted at Emanuel’s request, he was Rahm’s agent and the Chief of Staff is still on the hook. And, an unpaid position is still something of value within the meaning of the bribery statute which prohibits the offering of something of value in return for a vote. And, remember why they wanted Sestak out of the race. The White House needed Specter’s vote to kill filibusters and could only get it if he would switch parties, a move he conditioned on getting Sestak to drop out and assure him a clear field for the nomination of his new party. So, the bribe offer to Sestak was made by an agent of a government employee, it involved something of value, and it was to procure a vote in the Senateall the elements needed for a felony to have taken place.

Dawkins’ Leaves Atheists with God

post by unknown author

[To whoever wrote this—great work!]

Destroying the Delusion of Darwin and Dawkins—These are excerpts from Dave Hunt‘s myth-busting 608-page hardcover book, Cosmos, Creator, and Human Destiny…a brilliant and devastating exposé of evolution that leaves atheists without excuse and leads them to a loving Creator†.

[Just love this statement.]

When Richard Dawkins speaks, the world listens. He’s the expert, the one-time Simonyi Professor of the Public Understanding of Science at the University of Oxford. We are charging Dawkins with betraying that trust by giving the public misinformation about science. He does so in a number of his books, speeches, and debates, a fact that we will continue to document in the following pages. He is the de facto leader of the New Atheists, who gave themselves this name to call attention to the fact that the old atheism, once headed by Madelyn Murray O’Hair, was far too mild. As we’ve already mentioned, the New Atheists call themselves the Brights and the implication is that anyone stupid enough to believe in God† is a dimwit.

[I’ve met an atheist and they are not true to themselves.]

Dawkins’s life and career are devoted to destroying any belief in any god, especially the God† of the Bible†, for whom he reserves a special hatred. He admits that “All of us share a kind of religious reverence for the beauty of the universe, for the complexity of life, for the sheer magnitude of geological time. It’s so tempting to believe that living things…or that stars or mountains or rivers have all been made by something. It was a supreme achievement of the human intellect to realize that there is a better explanation…that these things can come about by purely natural causes…” Dawkins recognizes that what he is saying contradicts our normal feelings when we behold the beauties of nature.

[Because people have a hard time having faith in something they can not see!]

This is a damning admission for atheists. It ought to be embarrassing that the theory of evolution is what Dawkins admits is counterintuitive. How could that be? He is confessing that there is something inside us that can act contrary to our genes. Well, then, this intuitive feeling that runs counter to the theory of evolution can’t originate in our genes. It can’t be physical. Where could this free-will, rational impulse come from, this desire for something so at odds with natural selection?

[I bet an atheist can’t answer that.]

It cannot be true, as atheism‘s natural selection would force us to believe, that our thoughts are simply the result of the motions of atoms in our brains that all began with a big bang and have been proceeding without guidance ever since. Isn’t this an admission that materialism does not have the answers to everything, unlike what atheists would have us believe and as Dawkins so often asserts?

[I agree!]

So, Dawkins states repeatedly with unabashed certainty that “we know essentially how life began.” On the contrary, we don’t even know what life is, so how could we know how it began? Until atheists can explain what life is, it is an outright deceit to pretend to explain how it evolved. Atheists and evolutionists are playing a game of pretense, trying to build a natural-selection structure in the air without first laying the foundation. It’s just a dream. As C. S. Lewis so ably argued, “If minds are wholly dependent on brains and brains on biochemistry, and biochemistry (in the long run) on the meaningless flux of atoms, I cannot understand how the thought of those minds should have any more significance than the sound of wind in the trees.”

[I have wrote poetry on this.]

In spite of Dawkins’s wishful thinking, “ordinary processes of physics and chemistry,” which are purely physical and not biological, will never create life. All physics and chemistry have to work with is dead matter. The law of biogenesis declares that dead matter cannot produce life. Spontaneous generation was proved to be a superstition without one iota of truth. This delusion was abandoned nearly 150 years ago as a result of Pasteur’s discovery that when microorganisms are killed by heat no life can arise; but in the name of science, this folklore has been promoted to the status of fact in order to defend atheism.

[I love this guy!]

No matter how many or how large the new stable forms of atoms that are produced, they are still composed of dead matter. Dead matter does not bring forth life, regardless of how large the molecules it forms, even if natural selection has produced them. The only way Dawkins can continue to spin his yarn of uncreated life is to ignore the law of biogenesis. He can only bring his tale to a happy ending by a violation of that law. But universal laws of science, including the law of biogenesis, are called laws because they allow no exceptions. They cannot be broken.

[They clearly didn’t get this!]

As Dawkins admits, life requires DNA, and that contains encoded information written in words—a digitally coded data base, as he calls it. Information, written in words and encoded, that gives directions for constructing and operating every cell in the body—all of this incredibly detailed and complex data, beyond our capacity to understand, was devised and imprinted on DNA by natural selection? It is merely a theory, and it certainly neither thinks nor plans. That theory gave birth to Dawkins’ digitally organized data base of information that is beyond our capability to explain? Now that takes faith!

[It is so easy to brainwash people!]

Bringing life out of dead matter is more amazing than any miracle the Bible† presents. Primitive self-replicating molecules cannot create information—that process takes nothing less than an intelligence. In referring to the information provided by the DNA for constructing and operating the body—all of it on the single cell from which each human begins, Dawkins declares, “When you were first conceived you were just a single cell, endowed with one master copy of the architect’s plans.”

[He was hypocritical to his own work!]

The Architect’s plans without an Architect? Dawkins has to acknowledge that DNA contains detailed, written instructions for building and operating millions of incredibly complex and ingenious nano-chemical machines in trillions of cells joined together, each in its proper place and relationship to the others and to the whole. These amazing blueprints couldn’t possibly be conceived and encoded into language except by an Infinite Intelligence. But Dawkins’s definition turns mindless matter into an engineering genius via his god, “natural selection.” Richard Dawkins dares to say, “I show that all the alternatives to Darwinism that have ever been suggested are in principle incapable of …explaining the organized complexity of life. My reasoning, if it is correct, tells us something important about life everywhere in the universe.” If it is correct? He acknowledges that this is just a theory and a shaky one at that but that doesn’t prevent him from proceeding as though it were true because he has no other hope to explain life on earth. It must be correct, this is the best his atheism can offer and atheism is the one thing he will not abandon under any circumstance.

[And people believed this!]

Has he shown us that Darwinism can “explain the organized complexity of life?” No, he hasn’t even come within miles of doing that. Darwinism fails completely in this respect. Nor has Dawkins ever shown that creation by God† could not account for the “organized complexity of life…” In fact, it is the only alternative that can! But he won’t even consider that possibility. So the religion of atheism hampers the scientist in research and judgment because it restricts him to only one point of view. The atheist cannot be this open-minded. He cannot “allow a Divine Foot in the door,” and that restricts his research and intellectual honesty. There is no such person as an atheistic theist who would be comparable to a theistic evolutionist.

[And that’s why what is happening to America is happening because these people have a single view of the whole picture!]

Richard Dawkins admits that “Darwin’s answer to the question of the origin of species was…that species were descended from other species.” This is no answer at all! It’s a far cry from origin of species, as the title of Darwin’s first book promised, and as Dawkins claims Darwin achieved. What was the first species, and how did it come into existence? Darwin doesn’t tell us, nor does Dawkins. Evolutionists/atheists are now telling us that the law of biogenesis isn’t really a law. It has been violated not just once but millions of times all over the universe! To accept Darwinism is tantamount to rejecting the very foundations of science itself. Everything is up for grabs.

[Look at climate change…it doesn’t end.]

And when we come to the question of origins, the lips of science are tightly sealed. Science can’t explain the origin of either matter or life. We have merely substituted new words to cover our ignorance and pretend we’ve made an advance. As far as ultimate reality is concerned, however, we are still where primitive man was before science deluded us with false hope. The more we investigate, the clearer it becomes that the New Atheists are trying to force upon the entire world a rejection of God† that is contrary to what the majority are willing to believe, at least at this point.

[This was going on since the beginning of life!]

Dawkins concedes, “There are still gaps in our understanding. We don’t understand how the cosmos came into existence in the first place.” This is Dawkins’s standard escape hatch whenever he is confronted with the many questions for which atheism and evolution have no answer. Instead of admitting that science has nothing to say about what is good, what is evil, what is beautiful, what is ugly, where did we come from, where are we going, etc. (as many of the greatest scientists have frankly confessed), Dawkins sings the same worn-out song, “We’re working on that.”

[Yes, yes…yes!]

Think about Why We’re Here

by Dave Zanotti, CEO, The American Policy Roundtable

Do most people even remember what a memorial is, let alone what the day is for? Most of us alive today did not serve. Our fathers’ generation did. They fought in the big one, WWII and Korea, truly the most horrible wars the modern world has ever known. We have all grown too familiar with the romantic version of those epic struggles. We have forgotten so much of the true sacrifice that was paid in the 1940’s and 1950’s by so many at home and abroad.

This weekend we honor all who have served from Valley Forge to Afghanistan and all points between. We honor the fallen and the families as well. What’s a weekend like in Afghanistan? About the same as the day before or the day after—one more day where sons and daughters, dads and moms, brothers and sisters long to be home again with the rest of us. Most soldiers over time have fought for lands, or power, or kings. American soldiers are a different breed. They fight for each other and for us and they fight to be able to come home.

So are we doing our job back home? Are we doing all we can to keep the liberty they are dying to protect—alive and well back here in the states? We have a duty that goes beyond remembering. We have a battle right in our own Congress. We have battles at the Statehouses around the nation. We are in the middle of a raging battle over which worldview shall prevail in America. Will the vision and principles of the Founders be preserved or will a radical secular socialist agenda displace the Declaration and the Constitution?

Is the struggle really that stark? Are the lines really that clearly drawn? Probably not around the water cooler or over your back fence, but in the D.C. circles of power, make no mistake. The radical left is not a casual coalition just looking for a little change here and there. The progressives driving the current Congress and Administration intend to change everything. So far they are batting almost 1000% in their takeover attempts. There is something we can—and MUST do. We have to bring new leadership to America. Leadership able to place principle above party and stand for the Declaration and the Constitution. Leaders who are more interested in preserving Liberty and the common good than holding onto political power. Real people who are willing to lay down their personal pleasure and gain for the greater good.

We owe it to our fathers and forefathers, to our children and grandchildren and to those who have made the ultimate sacrifice. We owe all of them a commitment that becomes a sacrifice of time, talent, treasure and LIFESTYLE. If they can give their all—we can give something today, tomorrow and in the days to come. So, whether you go to a parade or a cemetery, or a ballgame or picnic—whatever you do on Memorial Day—would you consider doing this first? Would you try praying for America on Memorial Day? Pray for our troops and all their commanders, including the Commander-in-Chief. Pray for the Congress and all Governors and Legislators. Pray for God’s† mercy and forgiveness on us all.