Monthly Archives: June 2010

Set-up: Ploy to Damage Louisiana?

information from a travel site called communitrip

[All of the following information is being filtered through the Internet to keep people from coming to Louisiana. It’s all a load of propaganda designed to make people think everything is bad so they will eventually leave the area. Their ploy won’t work. These gases come out of the Gulf naturally and spills have happened before. The puppet and his IMF friends want our country. It’s that simple. They want the Mississippi River for easy travel and take over. The Brits tried that, too. The only problem—they have to come through us Cajuns first, and we aren’t going anywhere. We stay here for Hurricanes that register 5 on the scale. Muslims, you haven’t gone through anything until you’ve come through us. You have no idea.]

Summer Destination to Avoid—Gulf of Mexico

"The black rounded square represents the Oil Geyser. The 3 blue rounded squares represent the Grand Isle EPA Air Quality Monitoring stations." Communitrip says, "There are tons of toxic gas leaking from the oil gusher, called Volatile and Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds (knows as VOCs and SVOCs respectively), which are:

  • Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) refers to organic chemical compounds which have significant vapor pressures and which can affect the environment and human health. VOCs are numerous, varied, and ubiquitous. Although VOCs include both man-made and naturally occurring chemical compounds, it is the anthropogenic VOCs that are regulated, especially for indoors where concentrations can be highest. VOCs are typically not acutely toxic but have chronic effects. Because the concentrations are usually low and the symptoms slow to develop, analysis of VOCs and their effects is a demanding area.

According to the EPA website, the VOCs and SVOCs that they are monitoring for include the following.

  • The second way EPA is checking VOCs is through sampling of benzene, ethylbenzene, toluene, and xylene. These are the VOCs in crude oil that have the greatest potential to cause or contribute to long-term health risks when inhaled. Long-term exposure to benzene and ethylbenzene has the potential to cause cancer. Toluene and xylene can affect the nervous system. Monitoring at this time does not indicate that there is a significant concern for long-term health effects.

EPA is monitoring for the following SVOCs: benzo(a)pyrene, benzo(a)anthracene, benzo(b)fluoranthene, benzo(k) fluoranthene, chrysene, dibenz(a,h)anthracene, inideno(1,2,3-cd) pyrene, naphthalene. These SVOCs have the potential to cause cancer. Monitoring the shoreline at this time does not indicate that there is a significant concern for long-term health effects.

Now that you have an idea of what is on record for being monitored by the EPA, and a slight grasp of their dangers (which are  understated above), the next thing to note are the defined safe limits for humans of inhaling these chemicals.

[You can click on the above SVOCs to find out what they are and what they cause.]

The Semi-Volatile SVOCs, which are noted to be highly insoluble (do not dissolve in water)  are listed on the EPA website with the following noted effects:

  • Skin exposures to mixtures of carcinogenic PAHs cause skin disorders in humans and animals, and adverse skin effects have been noted in humans and animals following application of solutions containing benzo[a]pyrene.
  • An epidemiological study of workers exposed by inhalation to benzo[a]pyrene and other particulate matter reported some respiratory effects. The role of benzo[a]pyrene in this association, however, is unclear.
  • Animal studies have reported effects on the blood and liver from oral exposure to benzo[a]pyrene and a slight hypersensitivity response from dermal exposure to benzo[a]pyrene.

Wow. The chemicals now in the gulf air have terrible consequences if inhaled. I am only going over the data from the EPA monitoring areas near New Orleans, namely—Chalmette, Grand Isle, and Venice. These areas have multiple stations that are numbered. The data given is in the form of PPM, or parts per million. To convert to PPB, or parts per billion, simply move the decimal over 3 places to the right. For example, if a measurement reading it 0.100 PPM, it is 100 PPB. The way to think about this is for every 1 Million particles, there are X particles of the VOC or SVOC.

To get to the point, there are many concerns with the amount of current (in my opinion high) levels of VOCs and SVOCs in the air right now. I hope with the knowledge of knowing the most recent data and then knowing data has also been altered will make everyone demand answers and solutions immediately, along with real numbers.” The most recent complete numbers—June 15th—are listed on Communitrip’s website.

Marine Stuns Tea Party Crowd

[Did you know there was a second verse to the National Anthem? I didn’t. This is nothing short of WOW! I was certainly spell-bound. What heart! What voice! Thank you.]

Insult To All Servicemen

post by R. T. Douville

[There was no need for my comments…he said it perfectly…thank you!]

What kind of “Commander-in-Chief” of our Nation’s service men and women goes off to vacation in Illinois when he should be laying a wreath at the Tomb Of The Unknown Soldier in Arlington National Cemetery? Oh, he’s observing Memorial Day—tossing a flower out the window at a Veteran’s grave as his motorcade speeds past in Chicago—sending his buffoon V.P. to the traditional wreath laying at Arlington.

Young men and women are under arms and dying for us at this moment and the puppetin a gesture of monumentally selfish indifference cannot fit the Tomb Of  The Unknown Soldier wreath laying into his frantic schedule. But he does have time to make an ass of himself squatting on a Louisiana beach for a photo op to show us he’s on top of the crisis.

  • This is the same puppet who gave a crotch salute at Fort Hood—has nothing in his upbringing to make the civilian salute to the Pledge, passing Flag, or the National Anthem second nature.
  • This is the same puppet who questioned why the public should bear medical costs for wounded Veterans—they could purchase insurance.
  • This is the same puppet who had to be shamed reluctantly into wearing an American Flag lapel pin. I am sure you know and can add other examples of his inspirational leadership.

The toughest duty in the military right now is having to stand at attention in dress blues next to the door of a helicopter and return a “salute” as the puppet gets in or out; and do it without puking on your uniform. Thank goodness, thank goodness, thank goodness I am retired and will never have to receive a certificate from or salute this SOB. Shame on the puppet.

Iowa Billboards

Mason City, Iowa. Bought and paid for by the North Iowa Tea Party. Now this is Action!

Iowa Billboard

Kansas Billboard

This billboard was up less than a week and it was defaced by vandals.

Washington State Billboards

Churchill said it. Are you listening?

Are you listening yet?

There's nothing free about Government!

Yhea! Do you remember?

New York Billboard

This is in Buffalo, New York. There is also a video on here from this same group. This is ACTION. Go ahead. Say it!

I Need A Freakin Job

Texas Bumperstickers

How about a nice Texas drive

Gotta love them Texans!

That's right! Any questions?

Keep on coming!

Minnesota Billboards

Now do you think Bush was bad?

I believe Minnesota has made it's point!

It's been long enough for you to make up your mind!