Daily Archives: 15/07/2010

American Right: Remove Tyranny By Force!

post by Dick Morris,  on TheHill July 13, 2010

Any president facing a recession has a basic conundrum to resolve—if he doesn’t try to make people believe that a recovery is in progress, nobody will. But if he tries to make them believe that all is getting better, he risks being seen as out of touch at best or insensitive at worst. It was just such a predicament that landed George H.W. Bush in trouble in 1991 when he preached that the economy was emerging from the recession, only to be seen as rich and elitist for his efforts. Things got so bad that this verbally challenged president once blurted out his staff’s strategy memo by saying, “Message—I care.” That was about as well-received as Nixon’s statement that “I am not a crook.”

Now the puppet is trying to sell the unsellable—that the economy is getting better. In Nevada, he said, “But the question is, No. 1—Are we on the right track? And the answer is, yes.” Presumably those who are gullible enough to think they can beat the casino odds in Vegas are ripe for this form of self-delusion, but it leaves the rest of us cold. The fact is that, when asked directly in polls whether the U.S. is on the right or the wrong track, by more than two to one, Americans feel the nation is on the wrong track.

Fifteen million are unemployed and, adding in underemployed, part-time workers and those who have given up looking, the total is 26 million. So, the puppet statements of confidence are a bit like Herbert Hoover’s ritual incantation that “Prosperity is just around the corner.” Polls show that 70 percent of Americans do not believe that the stimulus program has worked and a similar percentage feel the best thing we could do to create jobs is to cut taxes. But the puppet’s conundrum is that if he is not the font of optimism, who will be? Economists are increasingly coming to see that the so-called recovery was, in fact, a false dawn and that we are entering a double-dip recession (if, indeed, we ever left the initial downturn). In our book 2010—Take Back America—A Battle Plan, we predict a false dawn followed by a double dip—and now it is upon us.

It is now time for the Republicans to counterattack against the puppet by calling him out of touch with the realities of the economy and to take advantage of the commonly held idea that the puppet doesn’t know what is going on in the streets. In the puppet’s case, the GOP cannot then turn out of touch into an accusation of insensitivity (as the Democrats did to Bush-41). But they can push the idea that the puppet is so wrapped up in his liberal ideology that he cannot see the reality in front of him—that big spending stimulus hasn’t worked and won’t work.

The Fox News poll now shows that 55 percent of all likely voters feel that it is appropriate to call the puppet a socialist. This epithet, which most Americans did not see fit to use even a few months ago, fits him well. Republicans should make the point that he is willing to sacrifice all for his ideology and that he is blind to the reality of the damage his spending and borrowing are causing. When a president runs around the country saying things that two-thirds of America does not believe, it is time to counterattack vigorously and show how out of touch he really is. Then, with every invocation of optimism, the puppet will be digging himself deeper and deeper into the hole.

[I’m glad I’m not the only one seeing this. Everything he is doing calls for charges to be immediately filed. Read the Constitution. If more than half of the Nation feels that the puppet in office is going down a socialist, aristocratic agenda, then they have the right to forcefully pull him and everyone siding with him out of office. Who else other than myself actually listened in history class? Come on. You say you love America, but it seems that you don’t actually know what being an American really is! You have to known the very documents and laws that you live by. This statement I just made is actually in the Constitution. Go ahead. Read it and prove me wrong. You won’t. Because I am right. I served my country. I’m nothing but pure American and I’ll kill you if you try and take my freedom. It’s that simple. Read the document and make a plan to get this man and his goons out of our White House! Update: A better solution has been presented. A North-South split. This would solve Our problem, I don’t care about theirs.]

Spending Money: Blaming it On You

post by unknown author July 15, 2010

The Washington Post babbled again today about the puppet inheriting a huge deficit from Bush. Amazingly enough—A lot of people swallow this nonsense. So, once more, a short civics lesson. Budgets do not come from the White House.

They come from Congress, and the party that controlled Congress since January 2007 is the Democratic Party. They controlled the budget process for FY 2008 and FY 2009, as well as FY 2010 and FY 2011. In that first year, they had to contend with George Bush, which caused them to compromise on spending, when Bush somewhat belatedly got tough on spending increases. For FY 2009 though, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid bypassed George Bush entirely, passing continuing resolutions to keep government running until the puppet could take office. At that time, they passed a massive omnibus spending bill to complete the FY 2009 budgets. And where was the puppet during this time? He was a member of that very Congress that passed all of these massive spending bills, and he signed the omnibus bill as the puppet to complete FY 2009. Let’s remember what the deficits looked like during that period—


Spending chart and yearly debt graph. The future says it all!




If the Democrats inherited any deficit, it was the FY 2007 deficit, the last of the Republican budgets. That deficit was the lowest in five years, and the fourth straight decline in deficit spending. After that, Democrats in Congress took control of spending, and that includes the puppet, who voted for the budgets. If the puppet inherited anything, he inherited it from himself. In a nutshell, what the puppet is saying is “I inherited a deficit that I voted for and then I voted to expand that deficit four-fold since January 20th.”


American Children Inherits Massive Debt

post by Jim Meyers NewsMax July 15, 2010

Grover Norquist—Bush Tax Cut Expiration Will Cost Taxpayers $1 Trillion

Low-tax crusader and Republican strategist Grover Norquist tells Newsmax that letting the Bush tax cuts expire in January 2011 would amount to a $1 trillion tax increase—the largest boost in American history. Norquist—president of Americans for Tax Reform—also warns that the puppet and the Democrats are intent on pursuing the very bad idea of imposing a European-style value-added tax. And he says the Tea Party movement arose when millions of Americans became scared straight by huge increases in federal spending and debt.
Americans for Tax Reform is a coalition of taxpayer groups, individuals, and businesses opposed to higher taxes at the federal, State, and local levels.

In an exclusive Newsmax interview, Norquist—who is also on the board of the American Conservative Union and a regular Newsmax contributor—was asked if the puppet had reneged on his promise not to raise taxes on couples earning less than $250,000 a year. “Yes—6 days into his presidency he signed a bill that raised taxes on tobacco,” he says. “The first tax increase he signed hit Americans of all income levels.” Allowing the Bush tax cuts to expire at the end of this year, as the Democrats plan, will in fact result in “about a trillion-dollar tax increase on the American people over the next decade,” Norquist says. “It would be the largest tax increase in American history, and it would take every marginal tax rate and increase it. The taxes on businesses, on capital gains, would be very high. “When these tax cuts went into effect in 2003, the economy and the stock market strengthened. As soon as people realized that those tax increases were going to come in in January of 2011, the stock market began its decline.

Asked about proposals for a national sales tax known as a value-added tax, or VAT, Norquist tells Newsmax—“A VAT is a very bad idea. It is true that it is what the Democrats plan to do. It is the puppet’s goal. The puppet and the Democrats have been moving the United States toward the European social welfare model. That has a VAT, on average in Europe, of 20 percent. If we were to adopt a value-added tax as Europe has, your salary would be worth 20 percent less because you could buy less with it. Your life savings would be worth 20 percent less. Your pension would be worth 20 percent less, because anything you bought would have a 20 percent value-added tax attached to it. It would be very bad for the American economy.”

The Democrats’ health care reform bill includes a mandate to purchase health insurance and severe penalties for noncompliance. “It’s going to cost hundreds and eventually thousands of dollars a year,” Norquist declares. “It is designed to force you to buy health insurance, but it is a tax. It will largely be put on low-income people since higher-income Americans already have health insurance.”

Norquist is also highly critical of the Democrats’ cap-and-trade plan to curb carbon emissions. “There are a number of different versions of it, but all of them have the same thesis—they are taxing the energy that you and I use and subsidizing, giving corporate welfare, to industries that don’t yet exist or don’t produce energy at real prices,” he says. “So it’s a massive tax increase on the energy you use generated by coal or natural gas or oil, electricity, and subsidies for expensive energy (wind, solar, etc.). Your energy costs will go up because of these taxes by thousands of dollars a year. It is not the unfortunate side effect of the puppet policy. The goal of his policy is to make most energy, coal-generated energy, too expensive, so for similarly high prices you will use solar or wind energy—which you don’t use now because it’s too expensive.”

[This means he’s going to force American’s hands and this is dictatorship—treason charges anyone?]

Asked for his view of the Tea Party movement, Norquist says, “The Tea Party movement is best understood as millions of Americans who have not been involved in politics for most of their adults lives but in the last two years got scared straight by the puppet debt—trillions in higher taxes, higher debt, higher spending, and trillions more being threatened. And because they’re involved in politics, if the Republicans come back into power they will be a different party than they were in the past, because there are these new troops that have arrived with one thing on their mind—spend less.”

Norquist favors a plan to cut spending by setting up a congressional committee with subpoena powers to examine spending, with an eye toward reducing unnecessary federal expenditures. The plan is “getting good traction around the country,” he says, but the Democratic leadership opposes it. He also says he would welcome a presidential campaign by former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, who is considering a run. “Speaker Gingrich fought for lower taxes at all levels. The other thing Gingrich does is he’s a movement builder, a party builder, and so whether he’s a back-bencher, speaker of the House, or candidate for president, his goal has always been to advance liberty. I think it’s very helpful, very Reaganesque.”

War on Louisiana

post by Louisiana Senator David Vitter, July 15, 2010

It’s becoming clearer—the puppet administration is waging war on Louisiana’s economy. After months of indecision and lack of focus, the puppet administration has finally taken my advice and started treating the oil spill response like a war. Unfortunately, the puppet is declaring war on Louisiana’s economy.

Three significant actions from the puppet are indicative of a war.

  • His job-killing offshore moratorium—threatening 150,000 Louisiana jobs;
  • His irresponsible budget decisions that have led to Avondale shipyards closing—costing over 5,000 jobs;
  • Turning his back on Michoud, the new Constellation program and their highly—skilled Louisiana workers.

Join my fight for Louisiana families and Louisiana jobs.

I will not stop fighting the puppet administration and their job-killing policies. Unfortunately, my opponent Charlie Melancon has taken a different tact. Rather than fighting the puppet administration on these job losses, he recently gave the puppet an A grade for his performance. Meanwhile, Melancon quit the two committees that could have prevented these economic engines from being shut down. Rather than fighting for shipbuilding jobs, Melancon quit the House Budget Committee and decided not to fight against the puppet budget decisions that led to Avondale’s closing. And, until recently, Melancon was on the House Space Committee. Yet, rather than fighting the puppet radical new direction for the space program that led to the cuts at Michoud, he gave up that committee, too. Yes, that’s right—Charlie Melancon quit both the House Budget Committee and the House Space Committees when Louisiana families needed him.

Do Charlie Melancon and Louisiana a favor and help him get out of Congress for good! During these tumultuous times for Louisiana’s economy we need a fighter and a leader—not a quitter. I am that fighter and that leader. I’ll continue fighting for Louisiana families, for Louisiana jobs and against the war that the puppet has declared on us. It’s an honor to represent you in the U.S. Senate and I look forward to continuing the fight for Louisiana.

Too Much. Too Long. Too Wrong.

post by k. e. leger and

A letter I wrote to Louisiana Governor the Honorable Bobby Jindal July 16, 2010. This letter includes an email written by Mr. John Lassiter, a directional coordinator at Appalachian Basin, MS Energy Services. This email started circulating in May, 2010. I just received it on July 14, 2010. It is the first letter circulated through email that I have received that clearly states an intention towards action. Every other thing I read talks about their anger and concerns but no one talks about regaining their rights as American citizens, and that’s what we should be doing. Following Mr. Lassiter’s email is my response, which I also sent to the Governor. My response is strong. I have compiled facts from the many articles I have collected since 2008 and then included my assumptions and theories resulting from this data. It is not nice. Rereading it—it sounds more like a George Orwell novel than reality, but the fact remains—this is our reality. What type of response I will get from the Governor is yet to be known. What type of response I will get from Americans who actually care is yet to be know. What action will Americans who actually care take—we shall see. [Update—as of Aug. 14 I have received zero reply from the Governor or any Congressmen I have written. That sounds a little strange.]

My Letter to Governor Jindal—Good day, Sir. I have never written to a Governor before so it’s a pleasure and an honor to write to you. I have admired your work and decisions, thus for, for our great State of Louisiana. I have served for this State and my son is currently serving, working in Cameron building those levee deals to prevent oil from washing onshore. It’s a great honor for him to help. Thank you, first and above all, for all that you have done. Whatever anyone says, you are a success here in our State.

It is of the rest that concerns me. I have written to you before about this matter but through your website and have gotten no response. This is why I decided to mail this directly to you instead. My previous question posed to you was brought about after I attended a meeting in Morgan City earlier this year concerning our federal government. There were some older gentlemen there and they warned us to start buying weapons and ammunition—we were headed for a civil war. I had been doing a serious amount of research since 2008 (I’m a writer) and knew there was trouble brewing, but, out in the open, no one was talking about it. I had never attended a meeting about politics until that day. These men were serious and well informed. Now the matter has escalated and my questions need a more timely answer.

I began doing further research after this, not only out of curiosity but for my writing which I explain much later in this letter. My discoveries were much more frightening. I began compiling a book of all the articles I had begun collecting―before I knew it, I had over 200 pages. I was doing it mainly for an historical documentation for my children to have because I had never seen a campaign quite like that of 2008―not only with a black candidate and a woman candidate but of the ignorance of the American public. I’m an educated woman and I couldn’t fathom what I was seeing―that my country would forget their heritage; forget everything they had learned in Civics and History just to vote in a man for the United States Presidency because of the color of his skin. I knew I couldn’t published this book without getting permission from all the writers, and there were just too many.

In May of this year I decided to begin a blog on Word Press. I knew I had to do something to get this information out. Watching our country fall apart is something a Veteran of the United States Army and the Louisiana National Guard, and a member of a family who’s had a soldier in every single war this country has ever fought, was unthinkable. Also, watching the press these last couple of years has been heartbreaking. I am a journalist major from Nicholls State University, and I know journalistic ethics. They have all but been thrown out the window. My blog does not just display these articles but my comments and thoughts as well. I am a Catholic, but my displeasure, and sometimes anger, comes out quite often.

Sir, I am not a radical. Far from it. I am a Conservative Republican. I strongly believe in what our Founding Fathers intended. My political chapbooks are very strong, indeed, and I express my deepest disheartedness toward our current state of the union, but not mine alone. They also express those of the public. I am also working on a series of chapbooks on each of the Presidents, and as I go through them (I’m on Harding currently), I began to see the corruption as it sneaks in, as well as when the American people just stopped caring, and it’s sad.

I received a lot of emails from a lot of sources from all over Louisiana. There are a lot of rumors and a lot of things people have to say that, apparently, the press just refuses to print. The following post has been circulating for a while but I only received it on July 14, 2010. It was written sometime in May, 2010 by John Lassiter a directional coordinator at Appalachian Basin, MS Energy Services. I don’t know if you’ve seen this but as the Governor of Louisiana, you should know what these oil workers have to say. It is heartbreaking and disturbing. There are many other letters and articles like this on my blog and comments from oil workers.

At the end of this letter, I included my answer to Mr. Lassiter. (On my blog I do not refer to the puppet by name or by President. Please, Sr., there is no disrespect on my part towards the office of the United States Presidency. I know and fully understand my history and my Constitution―that matter spoken―I do not recognize this man as my President. Sorry, that’s my position and I’m sticking to it.) I strongly feel you should read this, too. Most of the questions that I have are along the way, the rest of the questions you will gain on your own. Not one of these things is addressed with a straight forward answer in our media. When it is mentioned, it is mentioned once or twice, and then it is dismissed. I don’t hear any of this discussed in public, and none of the Representatives I helped get into office have come to my hometown to address these issues. I have three children. I need answers. I need to know the truth.

Mr. Lassiter’s Email―I am dependent on Ultra-deep-water drilling for my income. The shutdown of Ultra-deep-water drilling is an unfair attack on the petroleum industry. British Petroleum America’s (B.P.) failure to perform their drilling operation in a safe manner is your issue. We, as an industry, are aware of the many B.P. failures on the Transocean Deepwater Horizon.

The 11 men [who] lost their lives are our brothers. Unsafe well practices by B.P. must be investigated. The root cause is a failure to resolve a poor primary cement job. B.P. had knowledge that the primary cement job had failed; their continued operation was unsafe. As the operator, the men on the Deepwater Horizon trusted that B.P. would work safe. Federal government shares cause for allowing B.P. to continue to operate in the United States. B.P. has numerous safety failures and violations of federal and industry standards.

As Ultra-deepwater drillers, we demand safety at our work sites. Exploration drilling is dangerous work. Each day we confront danger by using safe work practices. These work practices are a standard for our industry that we, as workers, demand. Government only steps in when they can make profit from our labor. Government safety standards require bribes by corporate raiders who also steal our labor.

When we die in helicopters, there are no memorials. When we burn to death, there is no green peace outrage. If we drown in frigid waters, there is no Presidential visit with our families. When we lose a leg, arm, hand, or foot, government does not shut down for a single second. Media does not visit men that cannot stand straight because of failed backs from the heavy lifting required in our jobs. We shut down operations when someone is hurt. We perform safety stand-downs to prove our work can continue forward safely. We pre-task each operation to ensure safety. We observe each other as a natural part of our work to keep each other safe. Government does not keep me or my workmates safe. We do it because we care about each other. We know what a wife goes through when a husband is lost. We have raised children of lost work mates. We are brothers. We are Teams of men that provide oil and gas to America.

Oilfield workers hear the garbage of those who don’t have a clue what our families deal with each day. When we miss the first steps of our children, do you care? When we leave women to take care of a household by themselves, do you care? Our loved ones die and we are on a rig hundreds of miles away, do you care? Hurricanes enter the gulf and we are stuck offshore, do you care? When we see friends burn to death, do you care? When we are clear that a company has killed our fellow workers, do you care?

Environmentalists, politicians and corporate fat-cats have never produced one single barrel of oil. You regulate my labor. You tax my labor. You steal the blood of good men. Standards for my labor require me to pass test (urine test, breath test, HUET) before I am allowed on the job site. Yet, you give my dollars to those who are never tested. You feed America our blood’s labor. What can any of you produce that is of value to this nation? Each of you is a parasite on the backs of Americans and workers. You fly around the globe on jets fueled by our labor. You drive your armed motorcades on fuel that we provide you.

Your natural gas heaters are fueled with our blood. When you talk about alternative energy, you slap our face for all we have given you. You are Al Gore whining pigs at a plastic trough that we provided you. You are Hollywood millionaires that don’t provide anything of value—scream about clean energy while driving and flying around the globe.

Each person in government who allowed the puppet to shut down Ultra-Deepwater Exploration failed working men [and] women. B.P. will never meet the needs of our families. Lawyers with law firms will turn this case into a class-action lawsuit that will line their pockets. Blood money paid for by oil workers. We have just given 11 brothers to the effort of providing a nation with oil and gas. Politicians now repay us with unemployment. I am a proud American oil worker. I am not proud of the thieves that are destructing the American oil workers’ way of life. Shame on politicians and those you work with. When you shut down our work, you only bring pain to the innocent. You need to understand we are not union workers with a hand out. We have invented and built an industry that provides America with tools for independence. Oil workers understand pain, we learn from every mistake that spills a drop of our blood. When you hurt one of us; we will bring pain to your political dream world.

Wake up Washington!

When you shut down our rigs, you solve nothing. You are creating a burden on hard-working men and women. We will not allow your destruction of our work efforts. Your lies about caring for our safety are wasted words. We know more about safety then the corporate giant B.P. Your efforts should be to control B.P. and their created oil spill. While America screams at the environmental cost, remember your liability. Not one oil worker gave B.P. permission to drill. Not one oil worker overlooked the B.P. failures of the past.

The men on the Deepwater Horizon knew something was wrong. Failed negative test were a clear indication that the drilling fluid should not be displaced. B.P. knew they failed to bump their cement plug on the casing cement job. It should be investigated how much they over displaced the cement. B.P. made the decision not to run a cement bond log. Each of you must look at real facts―Blow-Out Preventers are well named; they are not Blow-Out Stoppers. [We] Follow safety practices that don’t allow blow-outs. B.P. allowed this blow-out to take place. Stopping the blow-out in deep-water is the lesson we are all watching. How did B.P. fail to turn back with key indications that the well was flowing? All the signs were given; concerns were raised by members of the Horizon crews. B.P. acted with an arrogant disregard for human life and safety. B.P. deserves punishment for their disregard.

We have already started implementing testing to verify we will not have another Horizon incident. We have cried at the loss of our brothers. Shame is not ours. America may hate us and what we do; because we are painted as bad men. After 20 years of success, the speculation that we are men with no concern for our environment is out of line. We are not the millionaire C.E.O.s that we work for. We are men with families that trust us to earn a living at a dangerous job. Each hitch offshore we work, [the mission is] to return all crew members to their loved ones. Every man that does this work cares about his nation. Your failure to allow us to make America energy independent is recorded for history to judge. You have sold out your nation; not the Ultra-deepwater drill crews.

Trust that we will not stand-by idle as you destroy our work. We are not some union wimps that rely on government assistance. You keep us out of work for 6 months; watch the power that will join the Tea Party Movement. We are men that shaped and built this industry with blood and sweat. We will engineer a massive shut down of your permit to wreck lives. Someone should investigate who is making profit on this spill. Check the ties to the the puppet administration. One word―NALCO

This is my response to Mr. John Lassiter’s email― I’m from Louisiana, 200 miles from the Gulf. My husband does not work directly in the Gulf, but his job depends on the Gulf. His job is to keep the boats running which supply you with equipment and food. What you have to say is outstanding! But I don’t think anyone in the puppet administration is listening.

Too Much. Too Long.  Too Wrong.

This is a rather long. I apologize. I started writing and couldn’t stop. Maybe I’ll get the attention of someone who will help make a difference. But please read to the end. You will not regret it. I promise. Then PLEASE take action. Do something.

A little bit about me to assure you I’m not off the wall or anything. I spent 11 years in the military―seven of those years in the Louisiana National Guard as a photo/journalist. I hold a degree in Mass Communications (print journalism) and taught high school English for seven years. I now write full-time.

I have 2 novels, one non-fiction on the reality of the education system, and I’m working on a series of chapbooks on American life and on the Presidents (over 76 books in all). I do a lot of research. I’m doing chapbooks (poetry in traditional rhyme) to help educate the public. So, the chapbooks are not fiction but non-fiction. My first political chapbook will go live this week. It’s titled Shadows of A Life: A Fight from Within Volume 3. I have a link on my blog to buy the book. This letter is not a means to sell this book. It’s a mere $10. I don’t make much from it. I have more of this type of book coming out this month and they are important in educating the American public about the condition of our government and our way of life. Since people enjoy music, I wrote my work in rhyme, adding pleasure to a serious topic in the hopes that more people will pay attention to the state of our union.

I’m writing to you because of what you said at the end of your letter. I have read plenty of letters like yours (some are posted on my blog, but none have clearly stated their intentions of fighting this tyrannous government takeover). I, myself, have sent emails to my Senator, Representative and the Governor, and even though I respect them, they have not responded.

I’ve watched Governors across the country speak out against the puppet and then watched as his goons tore them apart, then watched as the rest closed shop. I have directly spoken with people who have witnessed the black panthers harass the voters in Michigan, the ACORN interference in the voting process—all this made me begin my own little investigation of sorts. You’ll see some of my article collection on my blog. As I write about each President, I see the foreign intrusion into our politics, and the reasons more and more, and it is disheartening. When I speak to people about this, they also close shop. I get the impression that everyone is afraid of something or they don’t care or they don’t think anything is going on. I read all these articles and personal letters sent to me, then go out into the public and there’s NOTHING! It makes me wonder what’s real and what’s not.

Here are a few things from the top of my head that appear odd…some or all you might have heard about, but if you put all the pieces together—things don’t add up for the good for the United States, even worst for Louisiana.

  • Fact—we have enough oil within the United States borders to live independently of foreign oil for hundreds, hundreds, hundreds of years―from Louisiana, Colorado, Texas, Alaska, etc.
  • Fact—there is no such thing as global warming—never has been. In fact, this was made up a long time ago―as early as the 1960’s.
  • Fact―Earth is going through a normal atmospheric change—a normal cycle. It happens every so many thousands of years.
  • Fact―no human being has ever been through a change like this before so no human knows exactly what to expect, but scientist have been monitoring it for at least as far back as the ’60’s. An article appeared in the 1970’s in the New York Times stating this fact. No one listened. In the 1980’s, weathermen began losing their jobs when they spoke up about what REALLY was happening. The cover up began. The World Order idea by conspiracist might not be too off after all. The penetration of government has been happening slowly for many years. It has suddenly sped up in the last 20 years or so. The American government has been the hardest to penetrate because the American people are somewhat hard-headed and devoted to their country.
  • Fact―the United States is the only country with an ALL volunteer military says it all. This normal cycle with Earth brings about a warming spell then a drastic cooling spell. The idea surfaced global warming took advantage of people (suckered people) into believing they were the cause of this natural occurrence, when, in fact, they weren’t.
  • Between the years 2006 and 2009 everyone was devoting all their attention to politics and no one was paying attention to Earth. In 2007, every volcano on Earth woke up (some were dormant or asleep for thousands of years), strange booming sounds and smells were being reporting all over the world, earthquakes increased by 60%, and earthquakes were felt in places where they normally weren’t felt. (This year my daughter and I felt one here along with a number of other people—we all live in a straight line. When it happened, we were alone and frightened—we called the police. All the oil companies were called. Nothing could explain why the ground moved. Two weeks later it happened again about 10 miles west of us. We have very soft ground here and we should not have felt any ground movement which meant the movement was very shallow.) Many places are getting freezing temperatures and snow where it usually is hot or warm year round, places which usually get freezing temperatures and snow have above normal temperatures, Russia saw mushrooms never before seen and their bears, reported in 2008, couldn’t hibernate, flooding has increased all over the world.
  • The snow melt from the Northern States every year usually travels down the Mississippi flooding States along its banks as it runs South, then we get it down here in Louisiana. We prepare for it every year. This year (2010) we knew we would flood bad because of the heavy snow, many towns had early town meetings and were preparing, some around where I live were thinking about building levees. But a strange thing happened. The Atchafalaya River which usually rises above the land forcing the town to close the flood gates didn’t rise. The expected flooding didn’t come. The sand bags filled weren’t needed. Instead, the melted snow-flood went East flooding the middle and upper Eastern States. No one took notice of the change in the natural water flow.
  • Read any homesteading magazine and you’ll find that canning vegetables has come back to life. Those who pay attention to Earth understand what the real scientists are saying. Earth has to heal itself and it will run its natural course. All the talk about the end of the world and 2012 are not true. It is just the end of the cycle and then we will enter a new cycle. Just pay attention to Earth—the size of the acorns (this pass fall, we had acorns we had never had before and they were huge), the animals are keeping most of their fur, etc.
  • No one talks about the circles in England either. They are posted on the internet. There are some really good pictures. They are not human made. They are made in wheat fields. We have sugar cane fields here in Louisiana and when strong winds pass through them, they break. They are left in circled patterns, their stalks broken. Wheat is much more brittle then sugar cane. These figures are in patterns no man could possibly do—amazingly not one wheat stalk is broken. Most of these patterns are sophisticated math equations, and many deal with 2012 and the 14 years it takes to enter into the new cycle of Earth, but no one is talking about this. Many of these circles also contain the Star of David, the Rose representing Mary, the mother of Jesus, the falcon (symbol of fire), etc. No one knows who makes these patterns but they are done overnight and some as big as 3 football fields long, some crossing roads which seems as if it’s a stamp of some kind. I strongly believe in our Higher Power, God†, and just like He sent the Mayans the calendar in which they lived by, this could very well be our calendar in which we should prepare by. But no one is talking. I have found out that (don’t know which government is responsible) top mathematicians and other scientists are working on solving the messages sent. So, someone is taking these messages seriously, but apparently it has now become TOP Secret.
  • I also know that (I believe it’s in the Norwegian region)—again don’t know which government is responsible—there are several seed pods with every type of seed being stored. This is an extremely cold climate. My neighbor is former Louisiana Senator John Syracuse and he visited North Dakota and saw first-hand how the government has discovered how to keep gas from freezing. If Earth was NOT changing, why would the government need to know how to keep gas from freezing? I have also read…I didn’t save the article and can’t seem to find it again…strange…that the Vatican has built a shelter in the mountains of Italy in preparation for this change.
  • In 2009, there was a red alert from NOAA or NASA, I watch both, stating that in the near future there would be a major solar flare/burst that would weaken the outer layer of Earth in which our satellites orbit. It would weaken it long enough that the satellites would fall to the ground. The alert stated that everyone should prepare for a complete disruption and change that would affect all human life. Businesses and homes would return back to land lines, cell phones and electronics depending on satellites would no longer work. The alert remained for a month and then disappeared. After it disappeared, both sites seemed to contain more and more government intervention. This year NASA issued another alert, this time it was broadcasted on CNN (have a video on my blog) with the same announcement—even giving an example of what will happen.
  • I also keep an eye on a site which was deeply buried and hard to find, which kept an eye on world events pertaining to health alerts, Earth climatic events, volcanic and earthquake events, etc. Whoever ran it was very good and highlighted in bold things that were out of the ordinary. There were a lot of things around the world that were out of the ordinary. The beginning of this year I lost the site, I refound it after hours of looking and it had changed. No more highlighting, it is more refined.
  • There was also a prediction that California would experience a major earthquake this year. In 2008, there were meetings held in Washington and in California with government officials. New Years Eve 2009 I met a couple from Houston and they said thousands and thousands of California families were moving into Texas―as much as 20,000+ in 2008. Why? If you look at an updated earthquake map, you’ll see the number of earthquakes in California have increased and the number of earthquakes around the Ring of Fire has almost completed its circle.
  • After Al Gore’s Nobel scam, scientists put their heads together and threw their fears out the window (over 17,000 of them) and declared his presentation a fake and told the truth. Their petition and the truth went unnoticed and got hardly any coverage in the press. The cap and trade began to heavily come into play. This is a tax on the very air we breathe that will go to third-world countries. But there’s apparently much more to it than that. It appears there’s a sudden rush to combine governments and the cap and trade is the aftermath of global warming, which world governments are still trying to push even though scientists have proven facts that this is not happening. The fact stands that Earth is actually cooling. These governments have gone as far as controlling the press by lying to the public on how cold it really was this past winter. On one particular day my thermometer read 26 degrees but the TV said it was 36. The following week, I attended a meeting about politics and we got on the subject of the weather and several other people verified what I had noticed. I did some research after that and John Coleman, founder of the Weather Channel, not only verified what we saw but proved it. The meteorologist were going to the airports to take their readings just as the global-warming people did when they set up their temperature reading gadgets on cement platforms. Why would they lie? Unless this Earth-changing cycle is actually happening.

What the scientists see happening―We will go through many very extended winters—ones that many humans aren’t used to. England will become completely covered in ice where you can walk from one end to the other end on ice. They can’t say when or how long this cycle will take, but they know it’s happening.

Instead of the government preparing the people, they are possibly doing one of the following or all of the following things—

  • Rushing to combine governments to control the people
  • Rushing to combine finances to control the people
  • Rushing to take control of the United States because it may be the only fertile land available, since England is supposed to be iced over and all third-world countries have destroyed their land with sewage and famine

The only way to take control of anything is by dictatorship and force. If this world order theory falls into play, which the way things look, it may be happening, the following proves they are after the United States. If these people who are studying these circles in England have actually figured something out and these governments are acting upon this information, it would explain the sudden rush to penetrate the United States government, which had begun immediately after the puppet had taken the presidential oath on a Bible encased in glass. So, he didn’t have to actually take a binding oath, no promise made under God† or to the United States of America.

The manipulation of the press has brainwashed the American public into believing and buying into global warming, sympathism towards foreign races, hatred towards their own government, that using natural resources (those that God† gave them) harms the environment, that God† is bad, that they need more laws, that conservatism is radicalism, and that liberalism is good. The press has been bought. They are no longer objective and can’t be trusted.

Here is a list of things I’ve uncovered by simply researching and reading current events. If you understand the above information and think outside the box, you can see things come together as a package. I could be wrong, but this has never happened in the history of the United States, and the facts stand that the Islamic (Moslems) and the Spanish (Mexicans) wanting control of the Western world has happened repeatedly, and history always repeats itself. These pieces are falling together like a game of chest—

The Gulf Oil Explosion was intentional for these reasons:

  • Looking at the fault lines on a fault-line map for the United States, there’s a fault line running right to this oil rig. With all that’s been happening, as explained above, this would make this rig the perfect rig to blow up. It is also one of the largest rigs, and it is a floating rig with no leg support.
    • Speculation on my part—So, if you made it obvious that you weren’t following safety regulations for a period of time, giving the workers obvious reasons to blame the company, then they would overlook what really happened―small price to pay for the big money awaiting someplace else. A rig on a fault line, a rig that floats with no legs, illusive reasons set in place. Next step. The rig’s not far off the Louisiana coast. It wouldn’t be hard to get to it undetected, put explosives guaranteeing the rig to sink, erasing all evidence, guaranteeing a reason for the puppet to shut down Gulf drilling, forcing rigs to move elsewhere (location already predetermined). Also, I’m told this oil find is the, or one, of the largest in the Gulf and one of the closest rigs to the coast of Louisiana. So, a massive oil leak would destroy Louisiana’s coast helping the next step move into play. The Louisiana people have a long history of having a reputation for being ruthless if they have to be and will not tolerate much from outsiders. South Louisiana also has a strong Catholic base. The puppet has admitted, captured on video (have it on my blog), that he dislikes Catholics. Moslems, since the beginning of existence, hate Catholics and all Christians. Louisiana also controls the opening to the Mississippi River which goes straight up through the entire United States and branches off to go totally West and totally East. You take control of the Mississippi, you can easily smuggle people in and begin to take control of the United States. So, taking control of Louisiana would be a prime factor in their game.
  • The puppet has the corrupted banker who brought down a British bank as his personal financial adviser. This guy got away with a billion dollars in which he invested in an oil company in Brazil, which apparently has found one, or the, largest oil finds in the world. He also invested the puppet’s money into this Brazilian company. Since there are limited oil rigs and oil people around the world, Brazil needs all the oil rigs and oil men they can muster. It only takes a moron to guest why BP neglected the safety rules Louisiana has in place.
    • Speculation on my part—BP was promised its rigs would have a place in this Brazilian find.
  • Somewhere I read that the puppet has allocated somewhere near a billion dollars of American money (have no idea where he got this money from since we have none) to this Brazilian company. Apparently, right before the explosion, this Brazilian company was on the phone with the White House. As soon as the explosion took place, the Brazilian company was on the phone again with him asking for rigs and workers. If these rigs go to Brazil, they will be there for a long, long time and the Gulf would be bare of rigs and workers. The Louisiana economy would dry up, hence, the extra ammo they need to take over Louisiana. These are facts. This is all about greed―setting up the United States of America for a takeover.
  • The puppet was put into the United States presidential position. He was not elected by the people. From what I found, all but one State (Florida) has electronic voting which is controlled by only four companies and no one knows who controls those companies or who actually does the counting, and even though we have laws that state we are not allowed to place political signs so many feet near a polling place, black panthers were, for a fact, at the door of one, for sure, polling place in Michigan, threatening citizens if they did not vote for the puppet, and ACORN was getting people who did not qualify to vote, to vote.
  • All Presidents in the pass have made their birth certificates public. From everything I’ve read, and accounts from people who knew the puppet way before he made his way into American politics, he was not born in the United States. He reportedly spent over a million dollars covering up the reality of his birth. Why would he do that? If he was, in fact, born a true American citizen, then why not just prove it to the people he supposedly represents. People from Hawaii, from the very hospital he said he was born in, have proven that the birth certificate that he produced was forged. He was born of Moslem heritage and has practiced radical Islam protocol in Hawaii and here on the mainland way up into his twenties. He knew the Clintons in Chicago before his political time as well. He also wrote a book in 1995 stating his beliefs and his resentments towards white people and the United States of America.
  • The puppet has spent more money on his campaign than any Presidential candidate who ever ran for the United States presidency. United States politicians are not allowed to take money from foreign countries or from corporations. This man had his own television station. Do you know how expensive that is? Even on the Republican campaign trail things were heavily controlled. Palin was not allowed to openly speak to the public and her speeches where carefully monitored. Her soccer mom comment was her own, and she was dully reprimanded for it. She was not even allowed to wear her own clothes or speak to her Alaskan reporters, who she normally had a very open relationship with.
  • Since winning the campaign, the puppet has strategically placed Moslems in high government positions, has surrounded himself with people with noted criminal records and tax evaders. He has intervened in private business—which is tyrannic government ways. He has bowed to several Moslem leaders. The American President does not bow to anyone—never.
  • It’s rumored that he is trying to open our interstate waters to international vessels.
  • Because of these high-placed government Moslems, he has weakened security in airports.
  • He has been trying and still is trying to make Mexicans who are in the United States illegally, automatic citizens. They currently pay no taxes, but are allowed to get food stamps, medical cards to use our hospitals and doctors, attend our public schools which we pay for (we have been forced to provide interpreters in schools and workplaces), and in all areas of American business a dual language system has been put in place. (The United States’ official language is English and many, many former Presidents have enforced this and have spoken strongly against foreigners coming into our country to suck up our resources). I had a box of Cheerios and in the box was a book for the kids—it was written in English and in Spanish!
  • He will NOT support Arizona (a State inside of the United States) who is currently being taken over by Mexican drug cartels. In fact, he has filed suit against Arizona (a State inside of the United States in which he has sworn to protect!)—the Supreme Court overturned this but the fact remains that he filed this suit and promises to continue to fight against a State he has sworn to protect.
  • He has made friends with all of the United States’ third-world enemies (tyrannic killers), and has made enemies out of all the United States’ republican, social-democracy friends.
  • He has allowed foreign non-Americans to have the same rights as Natural Born Americans and Americans by Certification.
  • The Chinese communist government holds all of the United States debt, meaning they own the United States. Last year they were allowed to fly their flag on the White House lawn. Yes, a communist flag flown on American soil, the White House lawn!

The takers are already in place—

  • Moslems, non-Americans, who hate America, in New York protest against America stomping the American flag—on American soil.
  • Moslems, non-Americans, who hate America, have taken over, for sure, one town in Michigan where they hand out fliers against America.
  • Moslems, non-Americans, who hate America, want to build a temple to honor their god on ground zero where they killed American people in New York.
  • Moslems, non-Americans, who hate America, have rallies with signs that read kill Americans and burn the American Flag while laughing—these are preparing to come to America. We have our soldiers over there for nothing. They should be here in the United States guarding our airports and borders. The puppet has kept our troops in the Middle East for a reason. He has fired the General who spoke up against him and this so-called war for a reason. The General knows that our presence in the Middle East is useless and the puppet knows this, too. That’s why he fired the General. The more troops he keeps in the Middle East, the less he has here in the United States. If my assumption happens, he’ll cut off supplies to those troops and they will be slaughtered.
  • Mexicans, non-Americans, who hate America, are flying the Mexican flag all over the United States. They are also flying the Mexican flag above the United States flag on the same pole here in the United States. They are painting the Mexican flag all over store windows. We have one of these here in our own town. Our Founding Fathers clearly state that NO other flag shall be flown within the borders of the United States except the American flag.
  • Mexicans are now worshiping a non-God idol—the angel of death. They have brought this idol here to the United States. I spotted it on a nice, big red truck that I could never afford (drug money), but this Mexican could, here in South Louisiana with a Texas license plate with their idol decaled on their window.
  • Mexicans have bankrupted California by living there illegally and sucking up California’s tax dollars, creating chaos with gang wars, drugs, vandalism. They are moving in to take back California. They are moving in to take back Arizona and Texas, and will bankrupt them if they don’t take a stand against them. They are moving in Louisiana at an increasing rate, and will bankrupt us if we don’t take a stand immediately.
  • Mexicans and Moslems are working together!

How this all ties together—

  • Twice in world history Moslems/Islam has tried to overtake the Western world; twice they have failed.
  • Moslems/Islam hates Christianity, and they are going to try and destroy it again. They are brutal killers and have no mercy.
  • Moslems/Islam have slowly and successfully penetrated the European government. They have forced European schools to delete the Holocaust from their teachings and remove pork from their menus. They have also forced European governments to add Sharia law into British law. Moslems/Islam have clearly stated that they want the control of the United States.
  • Mexicans (Spanish) have been at war with North America from the beginning of its existence. They have fought brutally to keep California, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and Florida. They had made a deal with Germany during WWI if they helped to force the United States into the war, they would gain control of California, Texas, Arizona. Mexicans have clearly stated that they want their land back.
  • The puppet has weakened our government considerably, has done away with checks and balances almost entirely (his goons have actually threatened Senators and Representatives into voting his way, and he has personally threatened them), he has criticized the United States of American all over the world, has placed Moslems all over the government in high ranking positions, has befriended third-world dictators, has bowed to Moslem dictators, has lied to the American people, rumored to have issued instruction to have the words Moslem and terrorist stricken from our vocabulary, has appointed criminals to his cabinet, has illegally appointed goons to surround him and terrorize anyone who goes against him.

All this adds up to a potential takeover of the United States of America. All that the puppet has done adds up to treason against the United States of America and warrants not the impeachment but the charge of TREASON. Those who are allowing his actions to go on, also should be charged with treason.

I’m writing this because someone has to. Everyone is just being too damn nice. No one is saying what really needs to be said. I’m sure what I’ve said here is not even half of what actually needs to be said. All those States who have filed the Tenth Amendment need to step up and take some action. This man in our White House is unfit to be President of the United States. Read the Twenty-Fifth Amendment and take action. Declare him unfit. He has done enough to hurt our country that he, indeed, could warrant possible treason-like charges to be filed against him and then a public hanging would be great!

This is America. The United States of America. The United States Constitution gives its people the right to take over the United States government by forced (with arms) if necessary, if enough people believe that it is being turned into an aristocratic, tyrannic type of government. I know enough of our military are against this administration. I know enough of the States are against this administration. I know a recent poll stated that 55 percent of American citizens now feel comfortable calling the puppet a socialist president. That’s enough. That’s over 50 percent of the population.

I do not want an interstate war because I’m sure that’s what these foreign governments want. But we cannot sit around and watch this takeover unfold. Being conservative and waiting for the November elections is insane. Look at all this man and his goons have done already. How much more damage can he do while we all sit back and wait for elections in November. That’s four months away. He has proven how much destruction he can do in so little time.

We have checks and balances in our government. The United States of America is worth more than this. Our Joint Chiefs should have a right to overpower on our behalf. We should call upon them to arrest this man immediately. We have to regain control of our government now.

All of these illegal Mexicans and Moslems need to be deported now. We don’t have any time to waste. Check the facts. If then you think I’m wrong, sit back and relax, watch TV. But…but, you don’t know what it’s like not to have freedom because you’ve never been without it. But the people who started this country knew what it was like and they forewarned—become too friendly with foreign governments and the United States of America’s democratic republic will be no more. It’s in black and white. They lived through it. We have not.

This is some of the things I’ve discovered and some of my conclusions. Thou my conclusions may be way off, no one else is offering any other data to make sense of all that has been taking place. My ending paragraphs are just how I feel about the entire situation. If my conclusions come to light, than actions is what needs to take place. I have not stated many questions here, but I have raised them, and these questions in your mind are not being asked by anyone, nor answered. I don’t know if anyone has even thought of them, and if they have, they are too afraid to say them out loud.

I began my blog to get other people’s reactions, to see what other people are thinking. I had learned one thing when beginning the blog that a lot of political blogs, especially Republican conservative ones against the puppet, tend to get buried. Since going live with it, I have learned that most educated people aren’t on line. I get comments from people who are concerned and thinking but not many, I get a lot of comments from people with no thoughts of their own. When asked for their opinion, they don’t return.

I’m a serious advocate for freedom. I’ve been to Europe and to the Turks and Caicos Islands and they are not totally free. And that’s not total third-world! We have FREEDOM. What’s happening today is going way over the line. We have to join together and do more than just talk. The Tea Parties are great but they are not making much of a difference. D.C.’s dictating and Americans are sitting watching TV.

As a mother, this is a serious issue for me. I need answers to all of this. Franklin said that the United States (a Republic) needed a good war every 200 years. Our time is up. Tensions are up. Too much is happening to say that the conservative Governors and the Conservative military are just going to stand by while all this happens. You can’t tell me my family fought for nothing. You can’t tell me I gave up 11 years of my life for nothing. You can’t tell me my son joined to support his State for nothing. I’m trusting you as my Governor to give me an answer. Don’t lie. And please don’t sugar coat for me, as a loyal voter and resident, I deserve answers and the truth.

k. e. leger
May God† always be with you.
I Love Jesus†.
May God† Bless America.