Daily Archives: 16/07/2010

Bush’s Tax Cuts to Lapse

post by Dan Weil Money News July 16, 2010

Congress should let the George W. Bush-era tax cuts of 2001 and 2003 expire to help trim the mushrooming budget deficit, former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan says. Tax rates will automatically revert to pre-2001 levels, unless Congress changes the law by year’s end. President Bush proposed the tax reductions to pull the economy out of its slump at the time. And Greenspan’s support helped convince Congress to approve them.

However, Greenspan now feels differently. “They should follow the law and let them lapse,” Greenspan told Bloomberg Television. The former U.S. central bank chairman told Bloomberg that the economy is in “a temporary slump” and would emerge with a “sluggish” 3 percent growth rate in the second half of the year. Greenspan said that allowing the cuts to lapse “probably will” slow growth, but that the risk posed by doing nothing about the deficit is greater.

The budget deficit totaled a record $1.4 trillion last year, or about 10 percent of GDP. And the puppet’s administration forecasts an increase to $1.6 trillion this year. Greenspan obviously believes spending cuts by themselves won’t be enough to get the deficit under control.

[Spending cuts! What spending cuts? I’m constantly reading how they are spending, spending, spending. The federal government (Congress) has gotten the United States into this mess by illegally passing bills and legislation without the approval of the American people—with their socialistic agenda—and now they want the American people to pay for their mistakes! I think that the American people should suspend all their pay checks, take all their retirements, cancel all their maids, chauffeurs, gardeners, private school tuition, and ground all of their planes, strip them of all those government vehicles that we, the American people, pay for. The American people should make them take the bus, cook their own meals, wash their own clothes, clean their own homes. Oh, speaking of homes, the American people should make them tear down all those extravagant mansions, separate the wood (I’m sure 1 of their homes could make 3 or 4 homes), then give the remaining wood to those individuals who they put out in the street because of their greed. Oh, what about all those expensive clothes. The American people bought those. I think we should go through them, separate them. They can keep their underwear. Give them what they need, then give the rest to the people they put out into the street. Oh, how about the electricity they burn in all of those BIG buildings in Washington. I don’t see any energy conservation going on there. It’s just like the slavery days. They cursed the South and stripped States’ rights while at the same time D.C. kept their slaves. That’s right…read in your history books. D.C. has always mocked the People. And the people have let them get away with it for far too long.]

Many other experts agree with him. “The political question is coming down to—What are the alternatives to solve this problem?” Clint Stretch, director of legislative affairs at Deloitte & Touche, tells Barron’s. “You can’t solve the deficit problem with spending cuts alone. It’s inevitable that we’re going to have to raise taxes to do so.” Congress is wrangling over what to do about taxes. If it does nothing, the top rate will increase to 39.6 percent next year from 35 percent currently.

The pupet has proposed increasing rates for people who earn at least $200,000 a year and leaving rates unchanged for less wealthy taxpayers. Republicans want to leave rates unchanged for everyone.

[He’s lying. He said this before and immediately placed taxes on tobacco products. He’s pushing the cap-and-trade bill, that’s how he’s lying. He will force the money from the American public by heavily increasing their electric and gas bills. If you pay a $200 electric bill currently, if he gets his way with his cap-and-trade, you’re looking at a $400 to $600 bill a month, and that’s just for the electric. If you also use propane or natural gas, your current bill with triple. And if he gets his European way, which he is pushing, your heat and possibly your electric use will be limited. I lived in Germany for 3 years and my heat was controlled not by me. It came on at a certain time in the evening and went off at a certain time during the day. Only the really rich could afford to have all-day heat and air. Most people didn’t even have air because it was just too expensive. The gas in Europe was rationed. I traveled with a German family and we stopped for gas and they had a card with some numbers on it. He pumped his gas then had to get the card punched. He said once he had all the numbers punched, he couldn’t get anymore gas until the following month. That is what the puppet is pushing for. Everything he says that sounds good, is a lie.]

Greenspan goes even further than the puppet. He says the Bush tax cuts should be allowed to expire for middle-class as well as high-income taxpayers. While ending the tax cuts would probably hamper economic growth, reining in the budget deficit is more important in the long run, Greenspan says. “Unless we start to come to grips with this long-term outlook, we are going to have major problems,” he said. “I think we misunderstand the momentum of this deficit going forward.”

Democrats may be coming around to Greenspan’s view. House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, Md., said last month that the exploding government debt burden may make a permanent extension of the middle-class tax cuts unfeasible. It would be difficult for members of Congress—Democrats and Republicans—to face voters in November having approved a tax increase. Of course, if they do nothing, they will in effect have implemented higher taxes. The result may be a one-year extension of the entire tax-cut package, says Roberton Williams, a senior fellow at the Tax Policy Center. “The simplest solution this year would be to say ‘we have a struggling economy; we don’t want to raise taxes at all,’” he told Bloomberg. “It’s a compromise that would get things past the end of this year.”

Puppet Talking Bullshitter Doll

Hot Toy for 2010 for only $9.99 + Tax = $199.99

Clinton: You’re Gonna Love This!

Written Comments Needed to Stop Moratorium!

post sent from Scott A. Angelle, Louisiana Lieutenant Governor, July 16, 2010. A message from the Gulf Economic Survival Team

The National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Deep-water Drilling wrapped up its first meeting in New Orleans on Tuesday, and our pleas to save our jobs have made a lasting impression on members of the panel.  According to news reports, the co-chairmen of the commission said that the testimony they’ve heard about the economic fallout of the puppet’s drilling moratorium has convinced them to press the administration for a quicker resumption of safe offshore oil exploration. “I come to this experience with a much greater sense of the economic dislocation being experienced here than I had three days ago,” before the commission began hearings in New Orleans, former EPA chief William Reilly said at a Tuesday news conference. But we cannot stop now!

The Commission is now accepting written comments about the moratorium and its impacts on your business, family and community. If you were unable to give public comment during the Commission meeting in New Orleans, please consider sending your comments to:

National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
c/o Christopher A. Smith, Designated Federal Officer
U.S. Department of Energy
1000 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, D.C. 20585
E-mail:  BPDeepwaterHorizonCommission@hq.doe.gov
Fax: (202) 586-6221

We must help Commissioners understand the devastating economic impacts of the moratorium and urge them to swiftly implement safety measures to get Louisiana’s Energy Coast back to work in weeks and not months!  Thank you for your support.

French Clothes Political Label

Newt: Arizona Lawsuit

Arrogrance of Some

post by k. e. leger, Full-Blooded Southern American, July 16, 2010

I can’t help myself but to write this post. I am currently busy writing a letter to the Governor of Louisiana when I had to stop and do some research to verify something in the letter. There are some great writers on the Internet. There are some great bloggers who have important things to say and their information is truly justifiable. But…these anti-everythings are just beyond me.

Democratic Underground…got to tell you…cuts the cake for me! A hypocrite. This entire blog is a protest against drilling in the Gulf! This blogger has absolutely no idea about what he is talking about. All he has is images and words. These are the kinds of people who are clearly non-Americans. These are the types of people who clearly slept through Civics and History class. Just for your information—people have posted remarks, but I couldn’t find a way to post mind. So, here are my remarks.

Democratic Underground, you are protesting for a cause. You are clearly a radical liberal! The very people you are protesting against are hard-working men and women who live in the very country that you live in with families to support.

  • It is clear to me that you have marched for the cause of abortion. That you believe it is just to kill an unborn child. To me, if you believe that, than you have no problem killing any human being because it is the same thing!
  • It is clear to me that you have marched for the cause against American troops who are fighting to keep you safe!
  • Open your door and go outside, Democratic Underground. Has a bullet flown your way? You can thank American troops for that. I know…I was one for 11 years! American men and women, some are your neighbors, some you see every day, have laid down their very life for you, and you shun them and shame them. What pity I have for you.
  • It is clear to me that you have marched for the cause against President Bush who tried to keep you safe!
  • After 9/11, did another plane hit on American soil? Did you see President Bush, at ground zero, weep for American citizens who died that day? How many times did you see President Bush with his sleeves rolled up amidst the rubble, among American Citizens talking, shaking hands?
  • How many times did you see the puppet weep for those 11 American men who died in the Gulf because of BP and the federal government’s actions? How many times have you seen the puppet among American citizens shaking hands in South Louisiana?
  • You can’t lie to me. We were there. He shut the whole cleanup operation down the few times he came. He turned away Louisiana National Guardsmen when they needed to eat because he had to eat with a hand-selected small group of people for a photo opportunity—all staged. He waited over ten days before he even showed his face. His golf game was more important than American men dying. He held a press conference without the American Flag present! The Eastern States flooded. The Grand Ole Opry—half full of water and he didn’t even pay attention. Hundreds of people lost their homes and he never showed up. Believe this—when his army of cars passed down the streets here, no one greeted him, no one waved. Everyone knows he is a traitor to this country.
  • It is clear to me that you have marched for the cause to reveal American secrets for all the world to see, hence, making the United States of America, the very country in which you live, a weaker nation. You do not have the slightest clue to what it takes to keep a nation strong.
  • Because of people like you, the United States of America’s doors are open for terrorism. Our doors are opened to be overtaken by whoever is the highest bidder.
  • Because of people like you, who can’t handle what it takes to make a country safe, the enemy can just walk in and do what they like. They are already waving their flags here! Mexicans are flying the Mexican flag over the United States of America Flag. Muslims are stomping America’s Flag on New York streets! These people are not Americans!
  • They do not have the rights granted to Americans by the Bill of Rights, especially the first ten amendments in the United States Constitution.
  • They do not have the right to exercise Freedom of Speech in the United States of America against the United States of America. Did I make myself clear?
  • The puppet has allowed the Chinese flag to be flown on the White House lawn. That makes him a traitor.
  • The puppet is allowing Mexicans to fly the Mexican flag on American soil, that makes him a traitor.
  • But not only that. The puppet t is allowing the Mexicans to fly the Mexican above the American Flag, that makes him a traitor 100 times over—punishable by death directed by the courts. He should be arrested immediately, as well as all these people Mexicans and Muslims, and be deported immediately. They don’t like America, get the Hell out!
  • It is clear to me that you have never stood on a wall!
  • It is clear to me that you have marched for the cause that people need more laws, that the American Citizen can’t think for themselves. Need I remind you that the United States of America is a government by the people for the people. The more laws we have the less power the people have.
  • Because of people like you, the United States of America is becoming more divided, no longer a republic, and the democracy is only seen on voting day, and even that seems to be tampered with.
  • It is clear to me that you are an atheist. If you weren’t, than you would know that God gave us natural resources to use. Here in the Gulf, we respect that. Our men and women not only live on those rigs, but they fish off those rigs and eat what they catch. You are so ignorant of the facts.
  • It is clear to me that you have marched for the cause of the delusion of global warming, and cheered when Gore won his Nobel.

Let’s see how close I get to your character, Democratic Underground

  • You have no life. Thus, your causes are your way of blending into society because you are afraid of standing out. You title Democratic Underground clearly proves my point.
  • You would easily side with a Muslim or Mexican who hates America because you are a coward and would not have the guts to stand up for the very country in which you life.
  • You take advantage of the United States of America, call yourself an America just so you can enjoy the rights of an American citizen, but deep inside you hate America.

Now let me education you a bit—

  • The United States has plenty of oil on land but because of your green activist liberal chums, if we drill for it, we will destroy the birds’ nest, or the turtles, etc.
  • There is no such thing as global warming, but uneducated people like you are so closed minded and have such a lack of intelligence that you can’t admit when you’re wrong, which pushes you to a fight a fight that you clearly have forgotten the reason you’re fighting it. Democratic Underground, the earth is cooling. You were alive this past winter, weren’t you? Enough said. Get you head out of the liberal sink hole and start reading actual non-fiction articles from real scientists and get your facts straight.
  • The puppet you elected and cheer for is a traitor. If you continue to support him, it makes you a traitor as well. Read your history books, study your Constitution. You have clearly missed those classes in high school!
  • The people who work in the Gulf are from all over the United States, not just from Louisiana. So, you are not only condemning my State, you are condemning your neighbors as well. You are making enemies. Watch your back.
  • Normal drilling in the Gulf of Mexico has strict safety rules that respect the environment. You have no idea what type of people we are in the South. If you did, your blog would not exist. Southern people live closer to the land than anyone in the entire United States of America. That is why people from the upper United States come here to hunt and fish! You are ignorant and need to pick up some books and learn a little before you blab your mouth.
  • The oil spill in the Gulf does not seem to be an accident! You have also forgotten to read the information regarding this. Besides the Gulf blow-out, there were others. In the Gulf, BP and the federal government bypassed our safety rules on their own accord. They refused to listen to our rules because the puppet has big money tied up in Brazilian oil! Read the news, Democratic Underground.
  • Your blog is supporting the destruction of the United States of America! You are part of the problem. Think! Admit you are wrong and help straighten out our beloved country instead of destroying it.
  • Read your Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. It clearly states that if the American people see their government leaning towards an aristocratic/socialist government, they have the clear right to retake it by armed force. You, my friend, are on the wrong side.
  • If you want the European style of government and have to bow to a king, than go to Europe…make that your home. I lived there…I rather America 110%.

Now that I got that off my chest, I feel 100% better.

Kagan To Remove U.S. Constitution

post by Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman of Liberty Counsel, P.O. Box 277, Maxwell, IA 50161 and P.O. Box 540774 . Orlando, FL 32854 .800-671-1776—Liberty Counsel, with offices in Florida, Virginia and Washington, D.C., is a nonprofit litigation, education and policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of human life and the traditional family.

[The Confederate States of America (CSA) values the family, would never heed to these measures. Christian values are respected here. This is a Northern cause!]

Elena Kagan’s successful twisting of expert testimony, causing the continuation of the horrific partial-birth abortion procedure, compels us to do everything we can to oppose her confirmation. We also strongly object to her stealth activities undermining the Defense of Marriage Act and the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy. Any abortion involves the killing of an unborn child, but the gruesome procedure called partial-birth abortion (PBA) is grotesquely inhumane. PBA is closely akin to infanticide. For several years, Supreme Court jurisprudence on partial birth abortion relied upon evidence that was manipulated by Elena Kagan in political service of the Clinton White House. It led the Court to strike down Nebraska’s ban on PBA in 2000 as being unconstitutional. From 2000 until 2007, PBA was legal in America until the Supreme Court eventually upheld the PBA ban in June 2007.

John Adams said, “Facts are stubborn things.

  • FactElena Kagan’s handwritten notes are proof of her manipulation of expert medical evidence submitted by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) to the Supreme Court.
  • Fact—Her revised wording, which was quoted in the Court’s 2000 majority opinion, played a key role in the horrendous procedure continuing until President George W. Bush signed a new ban into law in November of 2003, which ban was later upheld in 2007.
  • FactKagan never divulged to the Court that she was the one who, in fact, had changed ACOG’s official statement.
  • FactKagan’s radical political activism drove her to manipulate expert testimony and to later avoid admitting the fact that she had done so.

The Washington Times says Kagan “may be more responsible than anyone for keeping partial-birth abortion legal for an extra decade.”

  • Kagan and the puppet are academic elitists and ideological clones.

The more we learn about Elena Kagan and her pro-abortion, pro-infanticide, pro-homosexual, pro-the puppet activism, the more incensed we become that this radical activist could be confirmed to the highest court in the land. This nominee has been described as the puppet’s ideological clone—and fellow academic elitist. In any other period of American history, Kagan‘s hand-written memo would be the kiss of death for her confirmation! In the final analysis, Elena Kagan’s past actions show that she is a political operative who would use a seat on the Supreme Court to advance a radical political agenda.

The Senate Judiciary Committee is voting on Kagan‘s nomination on Tuesday, July 20th. This week thousands of Liberty Counsel supporters have scheduled their faxes to the Senate to be systematically delivered up until the vote. Over 50,000 citizen contacts will be made this week opposing the nomination of Elena Kagan, opposing her radical abortion views and calling for a full investigation into events that took place during her tenure in the Clinton White House.  We need even more faxes next Monday! This powerful effort is making a difference.  Senators are hesitant to announce their decisions. They know that their vote on her nomination is politically toxic—yet the Washington pressure cooker is fully engaged.  Senators’ constituents are telling them that Americans expect them to do the right thing and oppose Kagan’s confirmation regardless of their party affiliation.

[Sounds like they are being threatened, doesn’t it?]

But they MUST hear from us if we are to have any hope that they will stand up to the  puppet/Reid arm twisting! Please consider participating (or, further participating) in our continuing fax barrage which will include your two Senators and selected committee members, other key leaders, and/or the entire Senate body.

Click here now to schedule your faxes! http://www.libertyaction.org/r.asp?U=29899&CID=312&RID=24042665

Reports are emerging that Elena Kagan has been working in the shadows to sabotage the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” law and “The Defense of Marriage Act.” According to several sources, Solicitor General Kagan‘s signals that the government will not effectively defend DOMA made it possible for Judge Joseph L. Tauro to strike down parts of DOMA in Massachusetts earlier this month.

He deemed the State’s DOMA unconstitutional by ruling that the law, which defines marriage as one man and one woman for federal purposes, has no rational basis—solely because the Department of Justice refused to give one. The ruling initially only affects Massachusetts, but is considered to be a model ruling for other States.

[You’ve got to be kidding me! Marriage is one man and one woman! This is not a new concept. This is not unconstitutional. The Constitution has nothing to do with it. These hypocrites are constantly yelling that church has no place in government, yet, here they are placing church in government. They want government to step in on church rulings yet again! Marriage is to propagate. Two women and two men can’t propagate. And those who don’t know what that means—it means to have children! I find it the most hypocritical when I see two women calling themselves lesbians or two men calling themselves gay adopting children made by one woman and one man! He’s† watching…we don’t need to judge…that WILL come later!]

The president of the Massachusetts Family Institute said, “[The ruling is] another blatant example of a judge playing legislator!” [Which is very correct. A judge is only there it mediate the judicial procedings—to be sure that the laws and the Constitution is being interpreted correctly. At the Supreme level, interpretation only.] And Elena Kagan admitted in written responses to Senators’ questions that she personally participated in a meeting in which she compromised the United States’ position in a case against the Don’t Ask Don’t Tell policy (DADT) being brought by the Log Cabin Republicans. Elena Kagan’s actions as Solicitor General to undermine the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy and The Defense of Marriage Act provide further evidence that she allows her ideological biases to trump her clear-cut duty!

[She should not even be a consideration in this matter of Supreme Court Justice. Why is she even being considered? Can’t Americans see that our United States Congress has been compromise? There is too much foul play here. This is treason against the American people, against the United States Constitution!]

Elena Kagan is just not experientially qualified or discerning enough in judgment to get past her own political views while rendering judgment as a Supreme Court Justice. That’s why I continue to ask every Liberty Counsel team member to press Senators to examine ALL the evidence that may weigh upon Kagan’s qualification for a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court.

Please go here to initiate your faxes to your two Senators and other key Senators—

We have provided all the information you need here to reach Senators if you prefer to send your own faxes.

  • Our special reports expose even more of Kagan’s positions.

In a special report from Liberty Counsel’s Washington, D.C., office, we reveal the true Elena Kagan, In Her Own Words. This is Elena Kagan, regarding precedence and the ConstitutionI think that there are some circumstances in which looking to the original intent is the determinative thing in a case and other circumstances in which it is likely not to be. And I think, in general, judges should look to a variety of sources when they interpret the Constitution, and which take precedence in a particular case is really a kind of case-by-case thing.”

[No, No, No…as a judge—any judge—the only means is the United States Constitution. There is NO other law of the land. No other means of interpretation. No other case-by-case, self-induced, self-determining I-know-better way. It’s the United States Constitution, the Supreme Law of the Land, or you are fired!—you are a traitor of the United States of America! and should be put to DEATH!]

Kagan‘s calculated answers during her hearings were a masterful performance of avoiding clear statements about her true positions. Yet, the hearings revealed enough of her political leanings, activist views and questionable judicial philosophies for our Washington office to produce a five-page summary written largely in Kagan’s own words. This document is a must-read for all Liberty Counsel team members who are standing in the gap opposing the nomination of Elena Kagan. We have been told that many of our supporters are printing multiple copies and passing it out in civic groups and other places.

Click here to download your free special report—”Elena Kagan, In Her Own Words“—

  • Stand in determined opposition to Kagan’s confirmation.

There is STILL TIME for all of us to make our voices heard by those on the Senate Judiciary Committee, the Senators uncommitted in their votes, and your own two Senators. Your faxes will barrage the Senate between now and next Tuesday.

  • God† is never outnumbered!

Elena Kagan’s confirmation is far from being a done deal, contrary to what you hear in the mainstream media (and even from some conservative sources). We can still stop this dangerous nominee from being seated on the Supreme Court! With God†, all things are possible. I also ask for your continued prayers in this matter. Thank you and God† bless you! The facts are clear. Elena Kagan’s radical views on abortion, the family and homosexual rights do not belong in our Supreme Court. We must continue doing everything we can to stand against this unqualified nominee’s confirmation! Now is NOT the time to give up!

[Update: Kagan was confirmed. This is now sitting on the highest court in the United States of America thanks to Congress!]

W2s: Including Boss’ Part of You Health Insurance

post by Joan Pryde, a senior tax editor for the Kiplinger letters  July 13, 2010

[You can go to Kiplingers and read about 13 tax changes that could affect you. Number 3 is what is discussed below.]

Why am I sending you this? The same reason I hope you tell every single person you. People have the right to know the truth because an election is coming in November. One of the surprises we’ll find come next year, is what follows—a little “surprise” that 99% of us had no idea was included in the recent national health care legislation.

Starting in 2011,  your W-2 tax form sent by your employer will be increased to show the value of whatever health insurance you are given by the company. It does not matter if that’s a private concern or governmental body of some sort. If you’re retired? So what—your gross will go up by the amount of insurance you get. You will be required to pay taxes on a large sum of money that you have never seen. Take your tax form you just finished and see what $15,000 or $20,000 additional gross does to your tax debt. That’s what you’ll pay next year. For many, it also puts you into a new higher bracket so it’s even worse.  This is how the government is going to buy insurance for the 15% that don’t have insurance and it’s only part of the tax increases.

Not believing this? Here is a research of the summaries—On page 25 of 29—TITLE IX REVENUE PROVISIONS—SUBTITLE A—REVENUE OFFSET PROVISIONS—(sec. 9001, as modified by sec. 10901)  Sec.9002  “requires employers to include in the W-2 form of each employee the aggregate cost of applicable employer sponsored group health coverage that is excludable from the employees gross income.” 

[This is control and a sneaky way to get a hold of American citizens’ money. When’s the Southern Continental Convention?]

America: The New Europe

post by Dan Varroney, Chief Operating Officer of American Solutions

Disguised as an attempt to introduce new safety measures for offshore drilling, Reid is actually using this disaster and playing off the hardship of the American people on the Gulf Coast as a way to play politics and increase your taxes.

post by Darren Samuelsohn,  Politico July 13, 2010

Senate Democratic leaders are set to roll the dice this month on a comprehensive energy and climate bill [which the government has no business in], including a cap on greenhouse gases from power plants, even though they don’t yet have the 60 votes needed to move the controversial plan. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) confirmed Tuesday that he would gamble on the high-stakes legislation—much as he undertook health care [which the government has no business in] and Wall Street reform [which the government has no business in]—that for now remains in the rough-draft stage but that will soon be the subject of intense negotiations. “Whatever I bring to the floor, I want to get 60 votes,” Reid told Politico shortly after announcing his strategy for a full Senate debate as early as the week of July 26.

[Debate? I want. Sounds like a threat!]

American Government, America, Politics, Christians, LouisianaReid confirmed the bill will have four parts—an oil spill response ; a clean-energy and job-creation title based on work done in the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee; a tax package from the Senate Finance Committee; and a section that deals with greenhouse gas emissions from the electric utility industry. “In this stage, we’ve not completed it. But we’re looking at a way that’s making sure when we talk about pollution, it’ll focus just on the utility sector,” Reid said.

[What response? The only people I know of down here cleaning up are illegally Mexicans stealing our money with the government’s approval. What response? This is of their creation. They haven’t done anything. Who’s going to get our money for this non-response? And why does the American people have to pay for the government’s and BP’s lack of responsibility? I still don’t know what is meant by greenhouse gas emissions or who the hell made this up but it’s getting old. There is no such thing as clean energy. Do you hear that big federal American government! Wind turbines have to be built—hello, what do you think they are going to be built with, the same goes to anything else that has to be built? Morons! And…and turbines have been already proven ineffective! You are full of it, puppets in the White House if you think you are going to force me to buy something I don’t want. The car insurance, the flood insurance…I didn’t make noise…no more! You puppets are over for this America! And what the hell focus just on the utiltiy sector suppose to mean? Oh, yhea, control water, gas, oil, electricty—then you control the population of the United States of America. I don’t think so. I have my guns. Do you?]

Proposals for tackling emissions from power plants are emerging from several Senate offices. A three-month-old draft from Sen. Jeff Bingaman (D-N.M.), leaked Tuesday, seeks to cut emissions from electric utilities by 17 percent by 2020 and 43 percent by 2030, compared with 2005 levels. And Sens. John Kerry (D-Mass.) and Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) are floating a proposal this week and hope to win support from key GOP moderates such as Sen. Olympia Snowe of Maine. Underscoring the delicate nature of the issue, Reid insisted that the proposal he will introduce in about 10 days should not be called a cap-and-trade plan or even a cap on emissions. “I don’t use that,” he said. “Those words are not in my vocabulary. We’re going to work on pollution.”

[This is all a lie. It’s what was the original cap-and-trade stuff was about. They are going to share this tax base with third-world countries. I’ve already told you on this blog that there is no such thing as global warming. Over 17,000 scientist have put their name to that very fact but the world governments are ignoring them. The press have also suppressed their findings. Earth is cooling, NOT warming. Humans are NO where near causing damage to the atmosphere. It’s all a scam to gain control of the people. Do your research and you will see that I am right. Americans, you are letting these people control you more and more, and they are deceiving you more and more. You as the American citizen is suppose to be the government, remember government by the people, for the people. When was the last time you voted for legislation that Congress passed. They are running the government now, not the people of this country, a selected few who have been in office for years and years. We are no longer a republic or a democracy. Americans, you are controlled and your Congress is an aristocratic kingdom. Have you ever visited one of their homes. They all live like kings and queens. WAKE UP!]

Reid’s task in the coming weeks will be just as intense as his other big legislative lifts. Besides vocal opposition from nearly all Senate Republicans, he faces concerns from liberal Democrats that the legislation is too weak and strong skepticism from moderate Democrats who would rather stay away from any type of mandatory carbon limits. “Taking action and getting 58 votes—what’s it going to do?” said Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee Chairman John Rockefeller (D-W.Va.). “The [U.S.] Chamber of Commerce is going to spend $75 million to try to defeat Democratic candidates. If you have 60 votes, then go ahead and do it. But don’t do it for the sake of doing it,” he said.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) said she supports tackling climate change through a bill that starts with the electric utility industry, which produces about a third of the nation’s greenhouse gases. [This has no effect on the atmosphere. Where did she get her education? Can she actually read?] But she isn’t sure the votes are there and fears the issue could be lost for a long time if Reid can’t muster the 60 votes needed to thwart a filibuster. “The question is, we’ve lost three times, I don’t want to lose again,” she said, referring to Senate floor votes on climate legislation in 2003, 2005 and 2008 that never received more than 48 votes.

[Fire this woman, please!]

Robert Dillon, a spokesman for Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska), ranking member of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, said he, too, is dubious of Reid’s plans, which appear to set aside only a limited amount of time for floor debate. [Of course, he wants to control the process and force the vote…dictatorship! WAKE UP PEOPLE!] “The idea that the majority leader has set aside only a week to debate a comprehensive energy bill on the Senate floor shows that he’s not serious,” Dillon said, adding that he expected to debate a series of amendments on climate change, the Yucca Mountain nuclear waste repository—which Reid opposes [Do you see the hypocrisy yet?]—and a plan authored by Rockefeller to block Environmental Protection Agency climate regulations for two years. Environmental groups, though, welcomed Reid’s decision to pencil in plans for the floor debate and insisted they’re prepared to weather attacks from their opponents.

“The Senate, the House, the green community and the business community have done a lot of spadework to prepare, to think through and put a national climate policy in place,” said Kevin Knobloch, president of the Union of Concerned Scientists. “From where we sit, [Reid’s plan] is a logical leadership step.”Knobloch acknowledged, however, that Reid begins his final push without all the support he needs to begin debate on the legislation. But he said swing votes won’t come to the bargaining table unless they’re forced to. “Yes, it’s uncertain as of today whether we have 60 votes on this revised strategy of a utility-only cap with other clean energy provisions,” he said. “But it is important to call the vote.”

Democrats are making their push without any clear sense of how industry will respond to their plans. Kerry, Lieberman and Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) hosted the Chamber, American Petroleum Institute, National Association of Manufacturers and a range of other influential trade organizations for several rounds of closed-door talks while the senators were working on a bill covering multiple sectors of the economy. But that was long before the negotiations reached Reid’s office and the plan had been scaled back to just the power sector.

Brian Wolff, vice president of communications at the Edison Electric Institute, the trade group for most investor-owned power companies, said his group was operating without any clear picture of where Reid would take the climate debate. “To this point, we’ve not seen anything,” Wolff said. “We’ve not seen any version of the type of rough draft he’s talking about.” Institute officials did meet last week with staff for the White House, as well as Reid, Kerry and Lieberman. And CEOs who serve on the group’s rotating board will be on Capitol Hill next Tuesday to lobby lawmakers on climate change, as well as several other issues related to the industry, Wolff said.

Support from the power companies is critical for the climate legislation to pass, said Eileen Claussen, president of the Pew Center on Global Climate Change and a former top climate official in the Clinton administration. That could be possible, given the industry’s experience in a cap-and-trade system for acid rain, which was signed into law by President George H.W. Bush as part of the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments. “This is the only thing that has any chance to deal with carbon,” she said. “The utilities know how to deal with this. It’s a Republican idea. It can be done in a way that’s revenue neutral, free-market oriented and protects consumers. And it should be something for which you can get bipartisan support, assuming it’s done right.”

Reid and the Democrats can be sure they won’t have support from all Republicans. Don Stewart, a spokesman for Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), cited his boss’s remarks last month. “They want to seize on the oil spill to pass a national energy tax referred to around Washington as cap and trade,” McConnell said then. “They never miss an opportunity to seize on a crisis to turn to the far-left to-do list. This has been a big item on the far-left to-do list—a national energy tax. Mark my words, that is precisely what they intend to do—Seize on the crisis in the Gulf to try to pass this.” Anticipating the GOP attacks, Lieberman told reporters that the push toward the 60 votes would require more effort from the puppet and his top advisers. “We want them more engaged,” Lieberman said.

The puppet administration officials are already in the middle of the fight. Reid, for example, met Tuesday with White House energy and climate adviser Carol Browner, Energy Secretary Steven Chu and Interior Secretary Ken Salazar. But the issue didn’t come up when 15 top Senate Democrats, including Reid, met with the puppet at the White House on Tuesday, said Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-Ill.). “It was not a specific legislative agenda meeting,” Durbin said. “It was a meeting about our end game here as the session draws to a close and what we plan on doing together.” At the White House, press secretary Robert Gibbs insisted that the lack of talk about energy and climate during the puppet meeting with senators shouldn’t be interpreted as a lack of interest by the administration. “Energy is something, obviously, that will come up before the Senate leaves, as will a number of things, like [Supreme Court Justice nominee Elena] Kagan and—and other things,” Gibbs told reporters. “I expect the puppet will be active in that debate.”

continued post by Dan Varroney, Chief Operating Officer of American Solutions

The idea behind Reid‘s approach is that Senators will not want to vote against new oil drilling safety measures in the wake of the Gulf spill no matter if the bill also contains new energy taxes. He’s using this tragedy to punish you for driving to work, adjusting your thermostat, and powering your home. Reid‘s global warming plan will likely limit how many tons of carbon dioxide electric utilities can emit, which makes it a massive new tax on energy that will kill jobs and send electricity prices skyrocketing.

[Read the article below by Goode.]

post by Darren Goode,  TheHill July 13, 2010

Bingaman draft outlines utility-only climate approach—A draft climate bill from Senate Energy and Natural Resources Chairman Jeff Bingaman (D-N.M.) circulating on the Hill Tuesday could solve some of the policy and political puzzle Democratic leaders have grappled with ahead of the Senate’s broader energy and climate debate. The 50-page Bingaman draft echoes several key talking points Democratic leaders and centrists in both parties have been sounding off on lately on what it will take to get 60 votes for a combined carbon pricing and energy production strategy. Its wider public exposure comes as Senate Majority Leader Reid (D-Nev.) on Tuesday signaled that the full Senate will debate energy and climate policy starting the week of July 26.

It would reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the utility and potentially other industrial sectors by 17 percent by 2020 and 42 percent by 2030. It would mandate that electric utilities participate in a cap-and-trade program by 2012 but allow manufacturers and other industrial sources to elect to opt in to the program. While some manufacturers who do not participate would not receive free emission allowances to offset higher electricity costs, local distribution company allowances would go to residential consumers and certain industrials regardless. The draft also would preempt industrial sources who participate from being regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency until 2018 and prevent a State from implementing or enforcing a comprehensive greenhouse gas reduction program with tradable emission allowances for the first five years. A “safety valve”—which Bingaman has also used in past climate bills he has drafted—would seek to limit the cost of a program to businesses. It would also establish an energy security dividend payment that resembles a cap-and-dividend approach favored by Sens. Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.) and Susan Collins (R-Maine). The dividends though would be based on energy intensity rather than on a per-capita basis. On the other hand, utilities also would get fewer emissions allowances than under a House-passed cap-and-trade program, and some Midwestern utilities and lawmakers would balk at allowances being given based half on retail sales and half on historic emissions.

[All sounds like dictatorship to me. I wonder. My State declared the Tenth Amendment. It doesn’t have to follow this law, if it doesn’t want to. The question is— will it have enough balls to do without the control of federal dollars?]

Bingaman spokesman Bill Wicker said the draft bill has gone through several iterations since the one written in April after talks on and off Capitol Hill, which he declined to detail. Bingaman also still has no plans yet to actually offer a plan, Wicker said. But it does fall in line with what some have said is necessary to attract enough centrists in the two parties.

[Neither of these parties have brought this bill, just like the health care deal, back to their districts  so that their voters can look it over.]

Sens. John Kerry (D-Mass.) and Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) have shifted from their initial push for a three-sector carbon pricing plan to one that focuses on utilities first and potentially later on manufacturers and other industrial sources. “That would certainly be an ideal expression,” Kerry said Monday of the “utility first” option. But he added, “We’ve got to figure out where the votes are here, we can’t drive this exclusively by policy right now. It’s trickier than that.” Kerry said a new plan “may have some voluntary components to it, some purely optional components to it.” Centrist Republicans Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) and Olympia Snowe (R-Maine) have advocated the utility-only approach, though both said this week they have yet to personally see any draft proposals.

[Not ONE member of the American government has any right dictating to any utility company what they can and cannot do. This is private business. All the utility companies need to do is shut the power off at the White House, the Capital Building and all other buildings in D.C.—I guarantee you they are not run on solar power or wind turbines—and see what they do! I bet they will rethink their position. Americans you have more power than you think. You are just scare and afraid to use it!]

continued post by Dan Varroney, Chief Operating Officer of American Solutions

To give you an idea of exactly how destructive Reid‘s plan could be, a recent study found that cap-and-trade could kill 5 million jobs over the next few decades and cost each taxpayer thousands of dollars in higher energy costs. Addressing oil drilling safety in the wake of the Gulf oil rig disaster is too serious to be held up by a wildly unpopular effort by Senate liberals to impose a new energy tax on all Americans. Senate liberals should promote their new energy taxes in a separate bill  and not waste any more time in passing oil drilling reforms. But that won’t happen, because the Left knows new energy taxes are unpopular with the American people, and a bill that would kill jobs and raise the cost of energy would go down in flames.