Kagan To Remove U.S. Constitution

post by Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman of Liberty Counsel, P.O. Box 277, Maxwell, IA 50161 and P.O. Box 540774 . Orlando, FL 32854 .800-671-1776—Liberty Counsel, with offices in Florida, Virginia and Washington, D.C., is a nonprofit litigation, education and policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of human life and the traditional family.

[The Confederate States of America (CSA) values the family, would never heed to these measures. Christian values are respected here. This is a Northern cause!]

Elena Kagan’s successful twisting of expert testimony, causing the continuation of the horrific partial-birth abortion procedure, compels us to do everything we can to oppose her confirmation. We also strongly object to her stealth activities undermining the Defense of Marriage Act and the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy. Any abortion involves the killing of an unborn child, but the gruesome procedure called partial-birth abortion (PBA) is grotesquely inhumane. PBA is closely akin to infanticide. For several years, Supreme Court jurisprudence on partial birth abortion relied upon evidence that was manipulated by Elena Kagan in political service of the Clinton White House. It led the Court to strike down Nebraska’s ban on PBA in 2000 as being unconstitutional. From 2000 until 2007, PBA was legal in America until the Supreme Court eventually upheld the PBA ban in June 2007.

John Adams said, “Facts are stubborn things.

  • FactElena Kagan’s handwritten notes are proof of her manipulation of expert medical evidence submitted by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) to the Supreme Court.
  • Fact—Her revised wording, which was quoted in the Court’s 2000 majority opinion, played a key role in the horrendous procedure continuing until President George W. Bush signed a new ban into law in November of 2003, which ban was later upheld in 2007.
  • FactKagan never divulged to the Court that she was the one who, in fact, had changed ACOG’s official statement.
  • FactKagan’s radical political activism drove her to manipulate expert testimony and to later avoid admitting the fact that she had done so.

The Washington Times says Kagan “may be more responsible than anyone for keeping partial-birth abortion legal for an extra decade.”

  • Kagan and the puppet are academic elitists and ideological clones.

The more we learn about Elena Kagan and her pro-abortion, pro-infanticide, pro-homosexual, pro-the puppet activism, the more incensed we become that this radical activist could be confirmed to the highest court in the land. This nominee has been described as the puppet’s ideological clone—and fellow academic elitist. In any other period of American history, Kagan‘s hand-written memo would be the kiss of death for her confirmation! In the final analysis, Elena Kagan’s past actions show that she is a political operative who would use a seat on the Supreme Court to advance a radical political agenda.

The Senate Judiciary Committee is voting on Kagan‘s nomination on Tuesday, July 20th. This week thousands of Liberty Counsel supporters have scheduled their faxes to the Senate to be systematically delivered up until the vote. Over 50,000 citizen contacts will be made this week opposing the nomination of Elena Kagan, opposing her radical abortion views and calling for a full investigation into events that took place during her tenure in the Clinton White House.  We need even more faxes next Monday! This powerful effort is making a difference.  Senators are hesitant to announce their decisions. They know that their vote on her nomination is politically toxic—yet the Washington pressure cooker is fully engaged.  Senators’ constituents are telling them that Americans expect them to do the right thing and oppose Kagan’s confirmation regardless of their party affiliation.

[Sounds like they are being threatened, doesn’t it?]

But they MUST hear from us if we are to have any hope that they will stand up to the  puppet/Reid arm twisting! Please consider participating (or, further participating) in our continuing fax barrage which will include your two Senators and selected committee members, other key leaders, and/or the entire Senate body.

Click here now to schedule your faxes! http://www.libertyaction.org/r.asp?U=29899&CID=312&RID=24042665

Reports are emerging that Elena Kagan has been working in the shadows to sabotage the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” law and “The Defense of Marriage Act.” According to several sources, Solicitor General Kagan‘s signals that the government will not effectively defend DOMA made it possible for Judge Joseph L. Tauro to strike down parts of DOMA in Massachusetts earlier this month.

He deemed the State’s DOMA unconstitutional by ruling that the law, which defines marriage as one man and one woman for federal purposes, has no rational basis—solely because the Department of Justice refused to give one. The ruling initially only affects Massachusetts, but is considered to be a model ruling for other States.

[You’ve got to be kidding me! Marriage is one man and one woman! This is not a new concept. This is not unconstitutional. The Constitution has nothing to do with it. These hypocrites are constantly yelling that church has no place in government, yet, here they are placing church in government. They want government to step in on church rulings yet again! Marriage is to propagate. Two women and two men can’t propagate. And those who don’t know what that means—it means to have children! I find it the most hypocritical when I see two women calling themselves lesbians or two men calling themselves gay adopting children made by one woman and one man! He’s† watching…we don’t need to judge…that WILL come later!]

The president of the Massachusetts Family Institute said, “[The ruling is] another blatant example of a judge playing legislator!” [Which is very correct. A judge is only there it mediate the judicial procedings—to be sure that the laws and the Constitution is being interpreted correctly. At the Supreme level, interpretation only.] And Elena Kagan admitted in written responses to Senators’ questions that she personally participated in a meeting in which she compromised the United States’ position in a case against the Don’t Ask Don’t Tell policy (DADT) being brought by the Log Cabin Republicans. Elena Kagan’s actions as Solicitor General to undermine the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy and The Defense of Marriage Act provide further evidence that she allows her ideological biases to trump her clear-cut duty!

[She should not even be a consideration in this matter of Supreme Court Justice. Why is she even being considered? Can’t Americans see that our United States Congress has been compromise? There is too much foul play here. This is treason against the American people, against the United States Constitution!]

Elena Kagan is just not experientially qualified or discerning enough in judgment to get past her own political views while rendering judgment as a Supreme Court Justice. That’s why I continue to ask every Liberty Counsel team member to press Senators to examine ALL the evidence that may weigh upon Kagan’s qualification for a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court.

Please go here to initiate your faxes to your two Senators and other key Senators—

We have provided all the information you need here to reach Senators if you prefer to send your own faxes.

  • Our special reports expose even more of Kagan’s positions.

In a special report from Liberty Counsel’s Washington, D.C., office, we reveal the true Elena Kagan, In Her Own Words. This is Elena Kagan, regarding precedence and the ConstitutionI think that there are some circumstances in which looking to the original intent is the determinative thing in a case and other circumstances in which it is likely not to be. And I think, in general, judges should look to a variety of sources when they interpret the Constitution, and which take precedence in a particular case is really a kind of case-by-case thing.”

[No, No, No…as a judge—any judge—the only means is the United States Constitution. There is NO other law of the land. No other means of interpretation. No other case-by-case, self-induced, self-determining I-know-better way. It’s the United States Constitution, the Supreme Law of the Land, or you are fired!—you are a traitor of the United States of America! and should be put to DEATH!]

Kagan‘s calculated answers during her hearings were a masterful performance of avoiding clear statements about her true positions. Yet, the hearings revealed enough of her political leanings, activist views and questionable judicial philosophies for our Washington office to produce a five-page summary written largely in Kagan’s own words. This document is a must-read for all Liberty Counsel team members who are standing in the gap opposing the nomination of Elena Kagan. We have been told that many of our supporters are printing multiple copies and passing it out in civic groups and other places.

Click here to download your free special report—”Elena Kagan, In Her Own Words“—

  • Stand in determined opposition to Kagan’s confirmation.

There is STILL TIME for all of us to make our voices heard by those on the Senate Judiciary Committee, the Senators uncommitted in their votes, and your own two Senators. Your faxes will barrage the Senate between now and next Tuesday.

  • God† is never outnumbered!

Elena Kagan’s confirmation is far from being a done deal, contrary to what you hear in the mainstream media (and even from some conservative sources). We can still stop this dangerous nominee from being seated on the Supreme Court! With God†, all things are possible. I also ask for your continued prayers in this matter. Thank you and God† bless you! The facts are clear. Elena Kagan’s radical views on abortion, the family and homosexual rights do not belong in our Supreme Court. We must continue doing everything we can to stand against this unqualified nominee’s confirmation! Now is NOT the time to give up!

[Update: Kagan was confirmed. This is now sitting on the highest court in the United States of America thanks to Congress!]

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