Category Archives: It’s Caught on Video

Gotta bunch these together so you’ll come back.

Honesty Spoken! Wow!

post from YouTube titled: Rep. Kelly’s Statement During Education and Workforce Committee Markup

[This was posted in June 2011. What Rep. Kelly has to say still makes sense. We all should review this past information before making a sound judgment of voting for our next president.]

Gingrich, the Puppet, and Disney

post found on YouTube titled GOP presidential candidate Newt Gingrich sharply criticized [the puppet] over his planned town hall at Walt Disney World in Florida. (Jan. 19)

[A funny thing this is. You may look at this video with criticizing eyes towards Gingrich, but I look at as another way the puppet wastes tax-payer dollars. When we had the oil spill down here, he completely shut down the cleanup when he visited as well as had six helicopters to escort him. Isn’t anyone tired of this elected person pretending to be a king?]

“…the [puppet] would courageously hold an invitation only town hall meeting on main street in Disney World at the Magic Kingdom for which they are closing half of the Magic Kingdom for which I apologized to all the people who for months of planning to take their children and go to the Magic Kingdom. But after all, who are they compared to [the puppet]?….”

Texas and the Puppet

post by Holly Bailey, Yahoo! News

[This interview was done back in April 2011, but I think it is still important today especially since we are in election year. It pays for us to remember the past in order to correct the future. Take a long at past post on this blog and please don’t forget what the puppet has done. Don’t let his campaign antics sway you because it looks “good” today.]

Ahead of next year’s presidential election, the White House has launched a concerted effort to leap over national media and reach out to local journalists in hopes of receiving more favorable coverage. But that effort may have backfired a bit yesterday, when [the puppet] was caught on camera testily reprimanding a Texas reporter for apparently not giving him sufficient time to answer questions.

“Let me finish my answers the next time we do an interview, all right?” [the puppet] told Brad Watson, a reporter with Belo TV, which owns several Texas TV stations including Dallas’s WFAA and San Antonio’s KENS. The interview, one of four [the puppet] conducted with local TV reporters Monday, had already been a bit heated by that moment.

“Why do you think you’re so unpopular in Texas?” Watson asked [the puppet], at one point.

[The puppet] replied by acknowledging that Texas had long been a “pretty Republican state,” but he implied that the politics there were changing, adding that he’d only lost by a “few percentage points” in 2008. But that statement, as Watson noted, wasn’t exactly true. [The puppet] actually lost Texas to John McCain by 11 points during the last campaign—as the reporter pointed out.

“If what you are telling me is Texas is a conservative state, you’re absolutely right,” [the puppet] replied, unsmiling.

You can watch the full interview here:

The interview went down from there, as Watson pressed [the puppet] on a major local issue in Texas—NASA’s decision not to locate one of the retiring Space Shuttle fleet in the state. “The White House has nothing to do with it,” [the puppet] insisted.

When Watson suggested the [puppet] administration had sent the orbiters to states pivotal to his re-election, the president became visibly irritated. “I just said that was wrong,” he said. “I just said that wasn’t true.”

As for his re-election, [the puppet] insisted he plans to campaign in Texas. “I never write off any states,” [the puppet] declared. “I love Texas.”

The College Conspiracy

Take a gander at this video and decide if you still want your children to attend college. I don’t.

College Conspiracy

Inflation: Sinking America

Stripping God From American Life

post by Jeff Davis of Minnesota Majority, 27 Oct 2010

Congresswoman Betty McCollum Omits Under God† from the Pledge—Democratic Congresswoman Betty McCollum from Minnesota’s 4th Congressional District is shown in this video leading Congress in the Pledge of Allegiance. Just one problem—she appears to intentionally omit the words Under God† from the Pledge. McCollum claims she was simply taking a breath. Watch the video and judge for yourself.

McCollum should at least have the courage to admit the truth about her personal convictions. McCollum is being challenged by an articulate law school professor by the name of Teresa Collett. Collett handily won a recent debate in which McCollum’s anger flared on several occasions. Take a look for yourself at McCollum’s anger.

If you would like to learn more about Teresa Collett and support her campaign, visit her website at

Video Liberals Don’t Want You To See

post by Minnesota Majority

The video liberals don’t want you to see—Within hours of posting the original version of this video on YouTube, we were contacted by The Uptake, a liberal media group. They demanded we immediately remove the video because it contained 40 seconds of an Uptake video of Rep. Keith Ellison (D, MN-05) which appears to prove that he lied at a press conference later in the week. Thankfully, we were able to find another source for the video, so here’s the revised version—but you better watch it fast—Ellison will probably try to get this video removed from YouTube.

Chinese Professor Telling the Truth

[This is the reality of our lives. And still a majority of Americans still don’t care. Are you waiting for your road signs to be written in a foreign language. The stores are already adding Spanish to their signs. It’s happening. What are you going to do?]

Moslem’s Puppet: His Own Words

[Take Heed! We owe nothing to ISLAM! This is all lies! They are killers! Period. They did nothing that this man said Islam did!]

Puppet: Saudi/Moslem “Plant” in White House?

[You must share and act on this. Don’t think my thinking is out there! There is just too much evidence. This is the third attempt to overtake the Christians. Are we going to win this time?]