Category Archives: Lost Their Way

Where’s The People’s Voice

post by Michael Krull, Newt 2012, Campaign Manager

[What Mr. Krull talks about below has already begun. In earlier post on this blog, I repeatedly talked about this, posted articles about this, now it’s our reality. Here it goes: My son is in the Louisiana National Guard. One of his best friends swore the oath about seven weeks ago. He went through his physical at MEPS and then a week after his wedding, he was shipped off to Fort Jackson, South Carolina (my old stomping ground) for basic. In less than a week, him as well as over 200 other newbees were summoned into a large room to be told that they were being immediately discharged. My son’s friend was told he had ADD and could not serve. So, while the other soldiers began their basic training, these 200+ young men had to sit around for five weeks to be out processed. That’s right FIVE weeks. Here’s how volunteers for freedom are treated!]

In just seven days, the super committee is required to present a bipartisan agreement to Congress and, in what should be a shocking development, word yesterday is that they were working on a “two-part solution” or, as Rep. XavierBecera commented, a “multi-part solution.” Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta warned that the trigger to slash defense spending by $600 billion if a deal could not be reached would lead to the smallest ground force since 1940, the smallest number of ships since 1915, and the smallest Air Force in its history! This would cripple our military right in the middle of serious global unrest!

That a “super committee” was formed with triggers that would literally cripple our ability to protect our interests around the world is unforgivable, and the direct result of failed leadership. With a gun pointed toward things as important as Medicare and Defense, this president has the audacity to go to Australia and proclaim that “this region is going to be the engine of economic growth for a long time.” This, following comments by the puppet that Americans are “a little bit lazy.”  This country is suffering from a severe lack of competent leadership, and the only solution is to force the puppet to defend his radical policies.