Tag Archives: Political Billboards

Drones: Should You Trust?

post by CHRISTOPHER DREW January 10, 2010

[I’ve included this article because the American public needs to be much more aware of what the puppet’s administration and the military are up to. I agree that this drone technology is necessary to help keep our military personnel alive, but (there is always a “but”) knowing what the puppet administration has already done to this country, I don’t trust this technology. For a quick reminder—this administration has stolen the American people’s money, has stolen the American’s people’s rights for free enterprise by allowing the federal government to take over private corporations, has given money to terrorist groups, has formed the Counsel of Governors to “watch” the American people and report any private retaliations against the government (as they refer to as “home grown” terrorist), has given money to countries to drill for oil and has impeded the American people from drilling their own oil, has passed bills quickly in the night to control our health care (which also mandates how we shall die), etc. All of this done behind the public’s back, without the American people having a right to vote on anything.

I have a son in the National Guard and he is presently at Fort Polk training to be a drone operator. These devices cost somewhere over $200,000 a piece and his unit is getting three of them. How many other National Guard units in this country are getting these drones? Already the federal government has abused their privileges of using our States’ militia (if you are not familiar with what the Constitution says, here it is—the federal government can use the State National Guard units for American soil purposes only, and for the maximum of two years. American State National Guard units (designed strictly to protect individual States) are not to be used on foreign soil by the federal government.) If you question this, look it up. This is the law stated in the United States Constitution ratified by the people. And ratification means that it was voted on by the American people. President Bush, in spite of the morally-rich man he is, abused his power in this regard and so did President Clinton. They had no right to send the States’ militia to fight foreign wars. The American people were the ones to decide this, not the federal government. Just this shows the power and control the federal government has stolen from our States and us.

So, stating that—the puppet won his position because of campaign promises he made to the American public. His birth is questionable, his campaign funds are questionable, his abusive tactics are beyond questionable (the use of the Black Panthers threatening voters and the ACORN organization down here in the South with their illegal voting schemes), as well as his attacks on people who attack him, his criticism of the very country he vowed to protect, and his promises to bring home our troops (instead he is sending more). Americans are given the Bill of Rights to protect their personal rights. They have the right to speak against their government, they have the right to practice their religion (even if communities include religious study and courses in their school curriculum and courts include it in their buildings and proceedings), the right to bear arms and protect their homes and persons from a corrupted government and criminals. It is not the right of any person or government body to dictate (no matter what lawsuit filed) and tell States, their people, communities, or the private enterprises of this country how to run their government, schools, or corporations. Because of these ratified rights, if you don’t like how things are run, sit down and shut up! Or better yet, move to a country that better fulfills your needs!

American people are quickly losing sight of their very rights and the federal government is quickly sneaking in more and more control. Who’s to say that the federal government won’t use these drones to spy on us? They are already illegally taping phones, watching our internet use without cause. How long will it take before these drones are hovering 14,000 feet above our communities viewing our movements for fear we will retaliate against them? We have the right to overthrow our government if we strongly feel, as a majority, that our government is aristocratic or dictatorial in nature. What happens when the America people have had enough of this federal control and does decide to take physical action if the “talking” and “debating” doesn’t work? The military has weapons of mass destruction. The government have scientist and doctors with labs containing biological warfare. Will they use these destructive capabilities on its own people for their controlling desires?

These drones can sneak in undetected, without sound and watch you. How do we know the government won’t use them against us? Remember they are training young 20-years-olds to operate them. This generation has a severe lack of education when  it comes to our Constitution, and what being free really means. This generation, sad to say, can easily be brainwashed into believing those wanting, and are willing, to take back their rights are, indeed, instead of the protectors of their freedoms, the enemy. It’s something to seriously think about. Isn’t it?]

Hampton, Va.—As the military rushes to place more spy drones over Afghanistan, the remote-controlled planes are producing so much video intelligence that analysts are finding it more and more difficult to keep up. Air Force drones collected nearly three times as much video over Afghanistan and Iraq last year as in 2007—about 24 years’ worth if watched continuously. That volume is expected to multiply in the coming years as drones are added to the fleet and as some start using multiple cameras to shoot in many directions.

A group of young analysts already watches every second of the footage live as it is streamed to Langley Air Force Base here and to other intelligence centers, and they quickly pass warnings about insurgents and roadside bombs to troops in the field. But military officials also see much potential in using the archives of video collected by the drones for later analysis, like searching for patterns of insurgent activity over time. To date, only a small fraction of the stored video has been retrieved for such intelligence purposes.

Government agencies are still having trouble making sense of the flood of data they collect for intelligence purposes, a point underscored by the 9/11 Commission and, more recently, by the puppet after the attempted bombing of a Detroit-bound passenger flight on Christmas Day. Mindful of those lapses, the Air Force and other military units are trying to prevent an overload of video collected by the drones, and they are turning to the television industry to learn how to quickly share video clips and display a mix of data in ways that make analysis faster and easier. They are even testing some of the splashier techniques used by broadcasters, like the telestrator that John Madden popularized for scrawling football plays. It could be used to warn troops about a threatening vehicle or to circle a compound that a drone should attack.

“Imagine you are tuning in to a football game without all the graphics,” said Lucius Stone, an executive at Harris Broadcast Communications, a provider of commercial technology that is working with the military. “You don’t know what the score is. You don’t know what the down is. It’s just raw video. And that’s how the guys in the military have been using it.”

The demand for the Predator and Reaper drones has surged since the terror attacks in 2001, and they have become among the most critical weapons for hunting insurgent leaders and protecting allied forces. The military relies on the video feeds to catch insurgents burying roadside bombs and to find their houses or weapons caches. Most commanders are now reluctant to send a convoy down a road without an armed drone watching over it.

The Army, the Marines and the special forces are also deploying hundreds of smaller surveillance drones. And the C.I.A. uses drones to mount missile strikes against Al Qaeda leaders in Pakistan. Air Force officials, who take the lead in analyzing the video from Iraq and Afghanistan, say they have managed to keep up with the most urgent assignments. And it was clear, on a visit to the analysis center in an old hangar here, that they were often able to correlate the video data with clues in still images and intercepted phone conversations to build a fuller picture of the biggest threats.

But as the puppet administration sends more troops to Afghanistan, the task of monitoring the video will become more challenging. Instead of carrying just one camera, the Reaper drones, which are newer and larger than the Predators, will soon be able to record video in 10 directions at once. By 2011, that will increase to 30 directions with plans for as many as 65 after that. Even the Air Force’s top intelligence official, Lt. Gen. David A. Deptula, says it could soon be “swimming in sensors and drowning in data.” He said the Air Force would have to funnel many of those feeds directly to ground troops to keep from overwhelming its intelligence centers. He said the Air Force was working more closely with field commanders to identify the most important targets, and it was adding 2,500 analysts to help handle the growing volume of data.

With a new $500 million computer system that is being installed now, the Air Force will be able to start using some of the television techniques and to send out automatic alerts when important information comes in, complete with highlight clips and even text and graphics. “If automation can provide a cue for our people that would make better use of their time, that would help us significantly,” said Gen. Norton A. Schwartz, the Air Force’s chief of staff.

Officials acknowledge that in many ways, the military is just catching up to features that have long been familiar to users of YouTube and Google. John R. Peele, a chief in the counterterrorism office at the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, which helps the Air Force analyze videos, said the drones “proliferated so quickly, and we didn’t have very much experience using them. So, we’re kind of learning as we go along which tools would be helpful.”

But Mark A. Bigham, an executive at Raytheon, which designed the new computer system, said the Air Force had actually moved more quickly than most intelligence agencies to create Weblike networks where data could be shared easily among analysts. In fact, it has relayed drone video to the United States and Europe for analysis for more than a decade. The operations, which now include 4,000 airmen, are headquartered at the base here, where three analysts watch the live feed from a drone. One never takes his eyes off the monitor, calling out possible threats to his partners, who immediately pass alerts to the field via computer chat rooms and snap screenshots of the most valuable images.

“It’s mostly through the chat rooms—that’s how we’re fighting these days,” said Col. Daniel R. Johnson, who runs the intelligence centers. He said other analysts, mostly enlisted men and women in their early 20s, studied the hundreds of still images and phone calls captured each day by U-2s and other planes and sent out follow-up reports melding all the data. Bigham, the Raytheon executive, said the new system would help speed that process. He said it would also tag basic data, like the geographic coordinates and the chat room discussions, and alert officials throughout the military who might want to call up the videos for further study.

But while the biggest timesaver would be to automatically scan the video for trucks and armed men, that software is not yet reliable. And the military has run into the same problem that the broadcast industry has in trying to pick out football players swarming on a tackle. So, Cmdr. Joseph A. Smith, a Navy officer assigned to the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, which sets standards for video intelligence, said he and other officials had climbed into broadcast trucks outside football stadiums to learn how the networks tagged and retrieved highlight film. “There are these three guys who sit in the back of an ESPN or Fox Sports van, and every time Tom Brady comes on the screen, they tap a button so that Tom Brady is marked,” Commander Smith said, referring to the New England Patriots quarterback. Then, to call up the highlights later, he said, “they just type in—‘Tom Brady, touchdown pass.’ ”

Lt. Col. Brendan M. Harris, who is in charge of an intelligence squadron here, said his analysts could do that. He said the Air Force had just installed telestrators on its latest hand-held video receiver, and harried officers in the field would soon be able to simply circle the images of trucks or individuals they wanted the drones to follow. But Colonel Harris also said that the drones often shot gray-toned video with infrared cameras that was harder to decipher than color shots. And when force is potentially involved, he said, there will be limits on what automated systems are allowed to do. “You need somebody who’s trained and is accountable in recognizing that that is a woman, that is a child and that is someone who’s carrying a weapon,” he said. “And the best tools for that are still the eyeball and the human brain.”

Iowa Billboards

Mason City, Iowa. Bought and paid for by the North Iowa Tea Party. Now this is Action!

Iowa Billboard

Kansas Billboard

This billboard was up less than a week and it was defaced by vandals.

Washington State Billboards

Churchill said it. Are you listening?

Are you listening yet?

There's nothing free about Government!

Yhea! Do you remember?

New York Billboard

This is in Buffalo, New York. There is also a video on here from this same group. This is ACTION. Go ahead. Say it!

Texas Bumperstickers

How about a nice Texas drive

Gotta love them Texans!

That's right! Any questions?

Keep on coming!

Minnesota Billboards

Now do you think Bush was bad?

I believe Minnesota has made it's point!

It's been long enough for you to make up your mind!

Michigan Billboard

Anti-Sharia Law In Michigan. Appeared on PoliticalMavens—On November 25th, 2008 the non-profit group United American Committee erected a controversial 48 ft. long billboard on Interstate 75 south of Detroit, MI with a statement in opposition to Islamic Sharia Law, a legal system that many believe is a growing threat to the U.S. Constitution. The billboard, located just south of Luna Pier Rd. on the south bound side of the Detroit-Toledo Expressway, states Sharia Law Threatens America.” Sharia Law is a legal system recognized in many Islamic countries such as the former Taliban regime of Afghanistan, and currently Saudi Arabia, and is a legal system which dictates beheadings, stonings, and other punishments for what are listed as crimes under Sharia such as homosexuality and adultery, and according to critics views women as inferior granting them little rights.

This billboard gained a flood of emails from Moslem residents who apparently abide by the American way because they know exactly what the Sharia Law is about. You can read the entire article on PoliticalMavens.


This should blow your top!



Colorado Billboards

Here's one you'll like. Making a comparison to President Jimmy Carter's Administration. Carter gave away the Panama Canal. The one that President Teddy Roosevelt built with the majority of American money. Funny how those things work out.

This one caused some fuss!

Missouri Billboards

So, here we go.

These people are expressing their First Amendment rights. To me, their warning is real. We're facing war one way or another so you all should be prepared.

The owners of these billboards put it out there. The press went after them of course...as did the liberals. It was the same in Georgia. The buttons are sure the hell being pushed.

Straight up and to the point!

These people just had the guts to say it.